Tuesday, November 22, 2016


At work I sit alone in an office in a chair
at a desk of a woman I only met a few times. 
Wednesday she passed away
after a sudden juggernaut of cancer spread through her body over the last six months.

I found out over the phone commuting home. 
Previously in the afternoon my body paused. 
I felt heaviness, limbs wanting to curve in like reforming an egg,
Breathing slowly, pensive, sensing something powerful had transpired. 

Like a release

I knew days were close for her going into that dawn,
but had no way of knowing in that moment the timing of mortality. 
All I can say is I stopped. 
I could feel what felt like a ripple of energy. 

I took my hands in mudra with each finger touching its complement
on the opposing hand placing my forehand in the curved aperture
between the archway of my fingers. 

I breathed with my eyes closed and felt the power of that moment
with her work sweater still zipped to the back of the chair I was sitting. 
Some people believe in god. 
I personally do not, but

I recognize the presence of our interconnected universe
passing in a totality of energy and consciousness. 
No one knows on god one way or another. 
We have moments that make us contemplate, feel, absorb, and notice. 
This was one for me. 

Today I attended her funeral
Hundreds of mourners lined in compassionate recognition
A mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend

I stood in black
Walking into the soup of faces in a Catholic church
Sipped in like stale wine
I signed my name in print not wanting to hide  

I sat in a pew meditating hummed an aum summoning a simulacrum
Of the vibration I felt at the desk
Wishing peace and time’s compassion into those aching
Eyes closed, breathing

I positioned in line towards the altar
Her husband set brave feet to Earth
Receiving humans with no suitable words
In fleeting apertures

I gave my name
I sit at her desk
On the day she died I felt something deep passing
like a release, stopping me to pause

In my body around noon
I did know until after work
And I wanted you to know
In the presence of her space, in her chair

What I felt
Tears welled in his face as I spoke, he gripped his hands to his chest
I do not know if life has a way it is supposed to go
I know energy, I know love, I know kindness

She had all of these
I am no longer a man of faith,
But maybe I can still be a conduit for those who are
In their darkest hours

That there is a connection between us all
We may give it many names
Perceive alternative modalities,
But in each we are all present in one interconnected pulse 

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