Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election Night 20161110

If America thinks electing a reality television star with no experience is good for jobs we deserve the recession that will occur. America is losing jobs because of lowest common denominator global labor by Wall Street firms combined with autonomous machines harvesting profit into capital instead of labor. Those firms know a Trump presidency is chaos because he has no clue how the public and private markets interact to produce labor supplies, global commodity markets, currency exchange rates, and most importantly the stability of product to market assurances global behemoths crave. Chaos is more dangerous than tax rates. The true solution is in a more equitable distribution of wealth away from capital and towards labor. A Trump presidency threatens to tilt the balance and expose the lies of a conservative agenda expected to govern and not obstruct. The obstruction is an attempt at stasis on a ticking bomb to extract profit before certain age groups retire or die. We saw the explosive device in 2008. We saw it in Brexit. If Florida and North Carolina tip crimson this nation and the globe will be a ship without a captain heading for a financial iceberg if top end tax rates are cut, universal income mechanisms are cut, and living wages are kept as is or lowered through both salaries and benefits. It's basic math something America obviously struggles.

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