Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pt 6: Consumerism, Extroversion, Christianity, and the Tale of Capitalist Democracy

A poem in six Senses Part 6

In the extroverted class room of Congress incapable of analyzing problems let alone to solve them
For the treasure chest rises and deflates with the cattle cade of anxiety and security debate
For this man or woman will keep you safe; the opponent will not
Excommunicate the anonymous bearing secrets; vouchsafe exile to the leakers  
Taxes, foreigners, racists, jobs, xenophobes, industry, I will protect and allow you to keep

What you want and not have to worry about who gets paid, but be certain mine is the mob
You wish to support for the other is evil and when we get to the end both decks were stacked
Like a bookie with a vig on the same boxing match; no matter who wins he keeps the cash
Red shorts or blue, thy are false enemies for the first clue in the room

Is that no one ever wants you to think
When was the last time you ever heard an idea?
Proposed for its merit without applied label and steered by ideology through party-house cleared

A senator, congressman, councilman, assessor, governor, mayor, sheriff to the precedent that
Actual knowledge or mental prowess is secondary to the cult of personality to warrant election
Which robs us from seeing the interchangeability of spots due to term limits or unrest
Creates the same tricksters trying to jump hoops at the circus to begot

More time in the public eye, juggling appearances year after year
Public servants and saints doing what for and paid in relationships
To scratch one’s back where hands cannot reach; children are taught to want this
Before they can speak in that magical things happen to those with faith

That the good folks above are watching and I will be repaid
He said it is good so I will abide; he in-charge must know  
Therefore I must not; I am ignorance and should not question his learned lot

A human going out on her own is so rare in this world so that it is lunacy
Marked into madhouses of immediate scandal, ridicule the speaker and sabotage the idea
We are defined by the camouflage rather than what is clear
Behind the costume is a hunter with a weapon stalking prey

Do you think he seeks to feed you or feed from you, which does your mind say?
Under the guise of faith and belief, under the image of congress, church or street
Who is to be taken as substantially valid; the empirical or the rhetorical

And how could this get so out of balance?
How is this a question in a world asking us not to question?
Desist protest and lock up wiki-occupiers rattling the cage of the system   

The far right becomes right and the left becomes middle and the far left palm is truncated into oblivion
One was told to cut it off if it shall tempt the impulse to open the door beyond
The quench of faith for there is one watching, protecting, ensuring safety from those
Who wish to bring Armageddon volleying warheads of scientific abomination

Read the revelations foretold so that the enemies can be expunged as the pipers
Will come into the cities with promises of rodent extermination; Do not listen
He approaches to take your children to the mountain to beguile their faith
His music is that of devil’s symphony for we believe in the humility of the poor

Satan seeks to jangle the gilded trinkets and offer kingdoms
As our lord resisted so must you, for that is not our way
Be in his flock, shed your wool to thy tithe and mutton if he asks
For there is no worry, in his love is salvation eternal and your labor rewarded

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