Saturday, August 17, 2013

A short Rant: on me and humanity

I see that humans are in the process of accelerating our extinction by focusing on short-term profiteering.  The alarm bells to me are an anvil chorus of industry and a desert of apathy.  I say and do what I can, but ultimately I accept human extinction in the way I accept my inevitable death whenever that might occur, the termination of Earth long-after human extinction and the longer thereafter collapse of the universe into itself with the contemplation that in all likelihood the mass and energy that comprises us has played out this theater countless iterations before.

I accept this, yet I read and write daily.  The superficial routines of most of humanity often appear pointless to me.  I see why these hold value to so many others and at times to myself, but these actions, thoughts, debates more often appear like staring at highway accidents.

Certainly they are noteworthy in the short term for casual mention from the standards of squawk boxes, but unless linked to the underlying systematic foundational lynchpins of how and why human society and the universe we inhabit function, I am for the preponderance disinterested.

I have sought out people who seem to be sensitive to our universe to pick up on these stimuli.  These people, mostly other introverts, are far between, not entirely rare, but difficult to engage in reality.  They are mostly found in the written word, often deceased and in many respects the best friends I never had.

Thank you: Albert, Christopher, Noam, Stephen, Richard, Soren, Douglas, Sigmund, Mahatma, Friedrich, Gore, Salman, and so many more.

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