Friday, August 9, 2013

Pt1: A Treatise on the American Medical System in Three Parts

 Part One: Images of a Medical Mummy Emporium and the Single-Payer Sarcophagus

In attempting to comprehend the mechanical logic of the American healthcare system,
I am drawn to the idea of a pharmaceutical concoction that delivers conceptual-immortality
A fountain of youth in a pill conjured for market and sold to living mummies
In an upside-down pyramid of wealth mortared by ticker symbols and rationalized profit

The fragility of a billionaire’s bottom-line invaded with rectal cancer
Fuming in breathes in design mechanics of a tell-tale heart murmuring
Under spider-silk skin catching flies in the standard lie

“Imagine how much worse it could be!
Don’t you want to live forever?
Here’s eternal salvation in a capsule.” 

Wanting perpetuity and to get paid as a premium-member.
The kind that receives rather than sees deductions form a wage
Employees and employers funding the pipers to take away the rats
Who keeps the plagues coming?  Ever ask yourself that?

Take away the scraps and be happy with that, as sixty-seven percent serves
From the kitchen like Hattie Carroll or angry about who took whose bone
While the taste of meat remains illusionary above a table cloth throne
To fund a system which, in part, pierces the grasp of death like a miracle ward

Kings thirst to lather indestructibility to territory like an inoculate sunscreen from time
A system focused on the novelty of such a pursuit is accelerated to this myopic ideal
By ignoring the base-needs of the populace conquered in thresholds long-ago
Yet minstrels must be paid and the men ringing exchange-bells sound their instruments

The orchestra is broken up so that the oboes are in Oakland, the French horns in Philadelphia
Trombones in Topeka and bassoons in Birmingham, as the melody diffuses into an intelligible utterance
The symphony is sunk into segregation sprayed thick with the distance of a purchase-decision
So that buyer never sees seller, beguiled into believing there is a choice being made

At the sign-in counter plastic-cards become people, nurses staring at the eyes in the codification
As if the rectangle has a photograph or deoxyribonucleic acid embossed with the seal of love
Rather than the entry-key of men to private planes or golf courses sinking balls into water hazards
Spelunking for an orb in a primordial brew of refuse that one of these chromosomes is a Titlist

The idolatry of the bourgeoisie to say single-payer is no market and the fortune-teller research
Will halt the armory to pernicious disease to spread like trickling acidic rain
So that women become segregated from their fetuses as umbilical cords get auctioned to wrinkle cream emporiums or a suppository Sanhedrin to create dividends with circumcision leftovers 

Synthetic health equals wealth

Summed up in, “Nah, I will keep the difference.”
It’s just a stock to me, who’s it killing?
Fucker that dividend is blood money

As if the N.I.H. didn’t fund most of the research for America’s contractions
Similarity of fear, to a minimum-wage default raise-panic reaction
Mass-unemployment, longest-lines in the doctor’s office traffic

Wrapping buildings and brains with impossible images of atheist-communists
Pissing on pictures of Jesus as the working-poor await a peek at affordable medical care
Like a celebrity approaching from the distance surfing a crowd
For a notion spoken about from crossed lips, but drifting away in the specificities

For the delivery of an impossible amalgamation of common burden and benefit
That we are all in this together rather than the ultimate hunger game
Of if I help this other now, my spot in ordered-service is threatened for survival

The administrative web sticks the logic that where one works is what one organism is worth
Along with her dependents like a traffic jam of equating wealth with human decency
And treasure with a bank account; so that doubt stays in the hay of the manger by the donkeys
To push for what should be said like the truth of a singularity in the sty of congress abnormality

To uncover that like a ripe peach in summer season that an organic body
Could be the least expensive while in the prime of sensorial taste preventative bonanza
Defying the logic that escargot or saffron is preferable due to its scarcity
Than a North American blueberry in May
As value could be beaming out of every face like an un-purchasable sun
if let to science rather than finance

For if there is no paradigm to profiteer, men will be scheming to design one
Over a broken arm, a bursting artery, a treacherous cellular pancreas holding insulin hostage
So that rather than the healthy being thankful to pay a moderate tax for what is rarely used
And be thankful for the disparity in attendance for the encumbered to find respite

We elect to thrash as islands of men aside an ocean of gasping swimmers
Trading decades of labor to fund a temporary flotation device from cancer or a bone-marrow buoy
While one has that kind of employment; I see you.  I hear you. Wasting away, fighting battles of blame
While the emperors win the wars, because you can’t see the forest for the coughs

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