Monday, August 5, 2013


I wish I could un-see this world
Human bodies appearing asexual, the chromosomes explode
Through visceral cells to where I question biological programing

I have become observant as evolution works within
Me and all the parading organisms

The status to desist to circumvent the typical organic-drives
With an unending tide-reversal of skepticism
Preoccupies my ego;
I am in numb-reverberation as a factory of electrons

Is each quark unique into itself
Obeying laws in its present place in space-time
In its current universe?

For it has been in others before this
And will be in others after
As part of the living and non-living
With no discernible distinguishing variable

Except for in the aggregate to create the illusion of such
So in, the matrix of breathers, photosynthesizes, chemosynthetic bacteria
On a hydrothermal vent etc. etc. waltz to the quark-beat

Time shifts as a metric of perception so that as death whispers into my ear
In this experience, the eons for the big-crunch of this universe
To the big-bang and unrolling entropy of an iteration that follows
Where at least one quark of what constitutes this genetic vehicle

I associate with my ego may be aggregated into another conscious-being
This distant trip will seem to be less than a yoctosecond
As we all have before in the interconnected one

Memory will be more useless than a graveyard or a golf course, a vagabond eternity
As I currently morn for what the quarks of gathered-me potentially use to know

The stages of the collective insurance comparing our few hundred-thousand years
To the planet’s millions, to this universe’s billions
As if the preponderance of species are not bred for extinction!

The infighting of a dominant cog on the food chain leads to the acceleration
Of its self-termination; the thirst for perseverance in the seesaw of individual and collective

To define the group, into ethnicity, religion, or class, (i.e. assets to lose, to associate common risk)
To decipher who and how to bond to form territorial armies funded with the fear-fueled obedience
Of others to put their individual continuance into a measure of the leader’s or the clan’s
To forgo ego for another’s selfishness

This is the paradigm economy of patriotism, the creation of godly ritualism, and celebrity
By associating another's luxury as an earned endowment rather than a kernel garnered
From the exploitation of the others is the masterstroke of sustainability for the mirage

So in, the quarks of the universe vibrate to oblivion shifting unconcerned with the plights
Of the asexual worker-ants and fly mating queens bombarding the colony with dread-pheromones
Mixing signals until the terrorist alerts are color-coded and pronounced casually with expectation
The ambrosia of fear is poured at bar-televisions and kitchen-tablet screens

Occasionally a mass of workers peers out with telescopes at the foibles repeating
Accelerating in search of a Higgs boson to answer why this circus of the savannah started
Continues and will lead to, as if to unveil purpose, ration and a flare shot into the night sky
Above the melee to pause the fray of antelopes being devoured by the lionesses

For if the herd had the script the theater may not play out as so
The minerals and balance disrupted more slowly before the expiration of our sun
As if humanity will ever last as such to see the eyelid of our system blink 
The event horizon will envelope the remainder of our remainder’s remainder

Long before any such institutionalized closing time for our leased planet
I wish I could un-see this world

There are no individuals, only pools of genes constructed of quarks
Operating based on a single premise of perpetuation
Altruism and group association expedites the avoidance of cessation
Calculating cross-cut mathematical definitions of identity

Into what is good for you is good for me, and also the inverse
So that thought becomes a convertible equation of energy and mass given velocity
Time and space are independent platforms; life is mostly illusion
A practicum of peeling layers of the ludicrous to logical dancing adaptations

To see the memes suggesting advantage in thought and genes in blood
Cloaking volition into the raw alone staring back at each being
Like the particle singularity before the bang appearing in a mirror

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