Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pt 2 Consumerism, Extroversion, Christianity, and the Tale of Capitalist Democracy

A poem in six senses: Part 2

There is no; Santa Claus is your dad; Easter Bunny is mom, wrapping and packing baskets
In healthy lies to which god’s eighth commandment demands no reconciliation
For it is understood that parents are to behave in such ways to extol greater truths via untruths
So in, children enter the third realm of worship

The boys and girls are taught to be so thankful for the playthings the second pill
Trained them to want, logic is trampled for the joy of knowing the tradition can continue
As adults waltz the exchange as toddlers pop like corn strung in evergreen boreal-beads
For angels on the perch as doves nest like peaceful phoenixes in home-rooted branches

Purchased every day-after Thanksgiving to remind the clan that objects must be set beneath
To keep the nativity scene in order of operation like an algebraic macroeconomic vibrator
Stimulating the lips and hips of mothers strutting shopping malls and fathers perusing Amazon
Crossing rivers to wrestle anacondas for a door-buster Apple tablet only to see it crack

On the floor under a mountain-train of shoppers stampeding like San Fermin in Walmart
Seeing red in eyes of waking before dawn in a zombie recursion rolling stones away from caverns
To emerge for the scheduled ascension into celestial dopamine-release of sparkling lights
Gawked at in tours of neighbor outdoing neighbor as amygdala reactions trigger dull

Empresses parade naked in Escalades checking social status on iPhones
Excavated from Louis Vuitton’s clutches
Boys chuck snowballs with rocks in the middle drooling at the detailed paint jobs
Girls see bat guano brewed into vulva-embossed facial dies to posture rouge to the kiss
As pregnancy is no longer the currency of femininity as factories evolved bi-gendered 

So that all must work for the ecstasy of cashing a paycheck in study of not becoming an earner,
But a consumer, for the die of equities has been cast by the casino proprietors
Passing out the leaflets so that like all economies the drug dealer and the police officer are cohorts
Republican and Democrat it is the same game and despite that we are herded into two base camps,

Exit the same slaughterhouse making Mrs. Lovett’s meat pies in smoking chimneys as Popes stay silent
Over white or black fumes as a Germanic economy dominates the Eurozone as it does not fund a military

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