Monday, August 5, 2013

Buffalo 86

Gut blown distended and turgid splurged with carcass
Gnawed to the stuffing blood crisp from the charcoal
Wood blended synthetically with the ease to ignite
Fire in the belly and death is alive

Ratcheting chemically that the mechanic failed
To gnash the tissue before the stomach flopped the mission
Signaling a body is approaching middle age
Pharmaceutical contingency that intake and processing time

Are segregating a once tangent mathematical curve
Life is escalating its commitment towards cessation
One too many mornings of wake, haze thirst and only so few
One less and striate the sinew into strips of regret

That a man should not attempt to digest an entire buffalo herd
In one sitting; so generals decide to abandon the bodies in the field
Beckoning back as boots march in the opposing horizon
The flies begin to give birth over the torpid muscle

Done twitching to shift green for the vulture’s gluttony
Beaks bicker forming political parties to disseminate the bounty
When voting fails, the jackals rush in and tear walls of statehood
The largest behemoth cannot resist the urge to try to consume it all

So in joining the fallen eaten by the maligned
Cycling, cycling, cycling

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