Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pt 3 Consumerism, Extroversion, Christianity, and the Tale of Capitalist Democracy

A poem in six senses: Part 3

The circuitous rings of judgment rationalized at the perilous danger of books
Requiring some, forbidding others and depositing one like a light switch in every American hotel room
Has an on and an off built in social acceptance of what is comfortable
So as not to initiate protest if such pages were replaced with others of white flying horsemen
In place of clown-nosed reindeer and levitating wunderkinds
Replicating fish in an ocean of listeners

While mother matriculates to become a lawyer and a father an engineer
Or progeny become marketed social-paychecks to enrage the non-aborted lower middle
Into a fury over the goblin-snatch trinkets of the impoverished checking out with stamp-cards
At grocer’s aisles hording goblets of Coca Cola and stacked bars of Nestle Crunch in vaults

Paid for with the tithes of non-deduction un-syphoned to the frocked celibacies
Of pious pulpits preaching the pain of sacrifice as beatitude to be as a thorn-adorned sky-camera
Bubbling crimson from his forehead railroaded so that his feet and hands are bound
To set flesh to wood erected for the judiciary of Rome and the will of the Talmud

To make Western embankments of education in lecture hall constituencies of extroversion
So that classmate watches classmate like prison guards to ward nonconformity
Knowledge is roped into approved alcoves historic and economic via funding 
Where the tone and conviction of an ascending hand is often the more pertinent contribution

Than the discussion panel of why a student has this book verses another
Based on zip code or longitude and latitude, gulf or desert, snowfall or surf of Kanagawa
Clawing spirits lay unrest at an introvert’s audacity to put one's idea before contemplation
Blasting notions of impudent egotism in brazen waves rippling context from Pacific

Cross Atlantic washing the Americas in the currency of humans boarding ships
From Europe and chained-Africa to affirm the tenacity of the virus against the convictions
Of Thomas Jefferson blasphemed as a nation under god aside the bickering cannons
Of Protestant clans requiring the Canadian Catholics to defend a British Invasion

Sung by George’s ring let go into an ocean appalled at the infidel in Lennon’s tomb
In an iconoclastic reliquary as conceptual measure of our pain
To see land, water, air, and seed as patentable rites of exploitation to fend the socialist cults
That would seek to pilfer away a man’s volition to defend his home with bullet in chamber

If which turned on his own mind is litigated in both secular and spiritual dominions
In respect for a glory-filled life where one fringe extreme sees an envoy into paradise  
By transforming bone into shrapnel with godly marrow to exterminate the nonbelievers
Hijacking a religion on a United flight and imprinting a tale of exception as rule

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