Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Morning Homily

I got up from sitting at my grandmother’s kitchen table
Typing another poem into my laptop as she watches her seven thirty a.m. constitutional
Video of cable television local broadcast of Catholic mass from St. Louis Cathedral
Welcoming all those in prisons, home-bound, and nursing homes

Monday morning, I am living with her as I try to sell my house in another city
She spots me approaching from her sofa-pew saying,
“It’s that time again.  Another week already.”
I hug her, kiss her on the cheek

My reply, “Grandma weeks are only an illusion to perspective. 
They do not exist, same for Mondays.
Now is the only time that matters and what we choose. 
Otherwise you are living like you are already dead.”

I walk out to my car to commute to work. 
She goes back to the lector’s gospel reading.

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