Thursday, August 22, 2013

P5 Consumerism, Extroversion, Christianity, and the Tale of Capitalist Democracy

A poem in six senses: Part 5 

Twenty four a day seven days a week in an illusion of time as if our sun is not to one day expand
Prompting an event horizon and consume our former planet as this race to ferment the debauchery
Of hardened beliefs is not escalating human extinction at an exponential rate
More apparent with each revolution of the Earth as sunlight shines from the star of warning

Yet man is cloaked into believing he is party to the share, fortune is his for tithing will be rewarded
A mortgage eventually paid, interest lost to the harem of Sallie Mae, pink-nugget meat fried
And munched like Soylent green marrow in drive-through troughs of how the girl handing one the bag
Would bankrupt the U.S. economy if paid more than seven twenty-five an hour

In the fortitude of actors-union rep turned McCarthy spokesman Ronald Reagan’s reign
Of three-thirty five in 1981 to shield the reality that current minimum wage would need to be
More than ten dollars an hour to equal the buying power of the late 1960’s

So that as one crust evolves the foundational masons crumble into disrepair
Highways and infrastructure of knowledge bases dissolve as generations are taught not to question
The fissures in the seams becoming ever larger so that the absolutist fundamentalism
Must be doubled and redoubled until the fanatical appears all the more rational

Health is viewed as a free market good
Socialized by Pfizer, Cigna, United Health and a Blue Shield and Cross
Claiming non-profit for drugs, devices, and doctors so narrowly avoiding a quarterly loss
Into the cascading intertwinements of mutual funds and a mythical retirement
Forcing one to shed all assets to qualify for governmental post-sixty-five coverage to pay the toll  

Along with the military-industrial psychological complex
Taking welfare to subsidize selling rifles and jets to an Egyptian military
Gunning its people, as if we were ignorant to how the Afghans learned to drop helicopters
Black Hawk down Rwanda, stem the chaos of Somali pirates with bones on the wrong cross 

Hand in every pot in a global-empire burning-Rome police force to manipulate the marketing of fear
So that one is kept uncertain as to the time or the hour; the bomb could come bursting
As gunmen in a son’s schools, stock-ticker crash, Jihad-vest in a lobby or a car wreck on the way to the airport that constitutes hundreds of thousands and impoverishment for weeks in the hospital

Without insurance to pay for the margins in the medicine, the build-up in the breathing machine
To inhale and exhale the daily fear that keeps single-payer from even being discussed
And a flawed substitute of an affordable care act as a compromised adopted orphan
Of a conservative regime marketed as a left-wing spending spree for free-loaders

Which it is, but not the ones said as both ends are meant to meet as the insurers salivate
Fresh customers with no intention of shrinking the buffet, unless forced to cry poor
As dinner was only steak, lobster, and chicken as foie gras was off the menu tonight 
As the profit margin on that liver transplant might shrink to only ninety-eight percent
Woe is the banner to defund legislation in campaigns not about ideas, but who speaks them

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