Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pt 1 Consumerism, Extroversion, Christianity, and the Tale of Capitalist Democracy

A poem in six senses: Part 1

At the core is beguiling a threshold of the masses
To hunger, nay demand with a fury of warmongering blood thirst
Institutions, campaigns, and industrial machinations
Which are against our self-interest

To contort a vial of will into such paradoxical contradiction
One is set from birth to sip the vaccine of untruth
So that the inoculate feeds us myth, superstition, and legend from the lips of our parents
In doses of mirth, religiosity, salvation, and avarice

The base needs of the vehement capitalist democracies are booster-injected each Christmas
The carousel churns in bassinets with teddy bears promised down chimneys
By white bearded father-figures clad in cotton-suits from a distant northern outpost
No one has ever seen or is allowed to visit

Child-like elven labor-loving factories prepare toys without pay or trade union
As if for the magical cogitations of jolly rolling in the plump-belly of a flying-sleigh redcap
These contraption-blessings are bestowed by an omnipresent eye of Sauron
Scribing a list of haves and have-nots segregated by obedience

The pill is slipped into the exuberance of believing the man came in the night
As children rise to see the orchard blossom in living rooms as parents
Snap photographs and well-wishes before dressing the lot for morning services
The hook has pierced the gums as to the benefit of an annual faith Olympics

This sugar-laden dosage of untruth readies minds so that circumspect antibodies
Desist attack upon the invader; sensorial stimuli from womb to vaginal eruption
Of sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch are mystified into debatable harbingers
For faith to become the sixth as the empirical is bartered for the rhetorical

Best-dressed younglings sit aligned to hear the story of the virgin-birth
Absent penile insertion, ejaculation or even ovulation if the specificities
Of faith’s threshold about pubic hairs in barnyards and risen celestial bodies
Of angelic ornamentation herald lordships and fealty

On another’s annual remembrance of birth where we receive the presents
The second layer of medication is dispersing in the vein, the wanting of the material
In gold, frankincense and myrrh like a trinity of we know one, and assume to also desire
The other two never seeing or smelling, but the pages and the masses spoke of their marvelousness

So in we are taught to aspire for the carrot and chase the dancing fairy
Paying us for our worthless oral body-baubles in money for blood
Under our pillows and chocolate-animals in a confectionary idolatry to conquer death
We have a cycle from crib to grave to extirpate the hunger to question
To be washed in a baptism of apathy

I have given you the answer; want nothing more, faith is all you need
Accept the matrix in these years of parental absolutism before the vanguards of mental acumen assemble
So that by passing age six the sixth-sense has solidified
So that a mother and father may crack the seal of disappointing acknowledgement

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