Friday, August 9, 2013

Pt 3: A Treatise on the American Medical System in Three Parts

Part Three: Patient Results and Reactions

The system wants you to have so much fear of sticker-shock in the tens of thousands that no one who has positive net worth: (ie owns a house, a car, etc.) can fathom the idea of instantaneous bankruptcy at the idea of a car wreck or a week of pneumonia.  So you keep yourself healthy for fifty years while you work paying that private insurer.  Then you retire, age and naturally accumulate higher medical costs, which get stuck to the taxpayers.

Do you see the disconnection?  The party collects say $1,000 a month from the combination of you and or your employer for simplicity’s sake from 21 to 65.  Let’s use forty years as a base and given that $1,000 increasing let’s make the total dollars you paid in to Cigna, BlueCross, or United Health $500,000.  Now you are old and on Medicare.  The government never got that $500,000, it might have gone to the occasional broken arm, appendectomy, or influenza, by now you are in a nursing home with a broken hip and who pays; the taxpayers.  The half a million you busted your ass to work for is in a dividend to a stockholder or an administrative expense salary at the tough-luck insurer that has no memory of who you ever were.  

Is the picture becoming clear?  See behind the curtain for the naked emperor in plain view?  The reason the healthcare system is broken is because the legislators listed above want it just like it is.  It’s much too dangerous to make the medical system about health rather than wealth.

If a single payer system was established can you imagine how much each of the profiteer pirates in this system would stand to lose?  Can you imagine how much they would spend to prevent this from happening?  Hell, who sponsors the drug-education of doctors?  Who hides these expenses to make their profit appear smaller?

Doctors and nurses are pawns in the game of the bureaucracy of mummy preservation
Like warm-hearted marines as if fighting for freedom rather than Halliburton
The sarcophaguses are stuffed with good intentions masquerading as medical devices
As this could be you, you might get this and we need to ask ourselves the question

If science is more advanced and the human body is the same basic organism
Why is medical care a higher cost to inflation-adjusted average income than at any point in history?

When technology is perfected value increases as cost declines
Color satellite television commercials for erection pills sponsoring 60 minutes journalism
Over a black and white set that weighed and cost seven times as much are not needed to see that

Health is not a free-market good

People do not choose to purchase more health at hospitals than mandated by our flawed bodies.  Therefore there is no choice like purchasing an automobile.  Until America comprehends the ramifications of this sentence we are at a sick-still. 

The Affordable Health Care Act is a stab in the dark given the obstructionism in congress and the ugly truth that the Democratic Party has been in on the game for just as long, singing the same song hidden behind a separate chorus in a one-party system that breeds millionaires.

The act attempts to limit profiteering, diminish externalities, but in the end puts more people into the mouth of the private insurance company monsters. 

What we need is a universal single-payer system based on a separate system of federal taxes facilitated by an internet-based government-owned software that links a person to every medical facility, pharmacy, doctor, and care center in America with fluctuating co-pay’s and deductibles linked to IRS adjusted gross income in a digitally updated matrix based on care availability and cost to the government. 

Empowering patients to know on the front end who is busy, what the copay is, what my sub category deductible is and eliminate the ocean of potential impoverishment while linking choice to finance in a common motivation of the industry, facility and patient is what this modern form of single payer health care could do.  This is not socialism, this is actually a free market in play. 

So if half of America would actually look inside Ayn Rand’s vagina while they are in there and the other half would crawl out of Obama’s sphincter maybe, the majority of us could see how to fix what is so epically broken.

Share through digital media.  Talk to your family, contact your representatives, ask questions. 
Demand modern Single payer health care now.

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