Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pt 4 Consumerism, Extroversion, Christianity, and the Tale of Capitalist Democracy

A Poem in six senses: Part 4

In the marketed fear of the media-demagogues spouting Fox and General Electric text-messages
Of whose soil is worthy of bombardment, whose hand is worthy of embroiling the lens in air
Of a drone choosing this man over that transforming the brethren of bystanders
To question the foreign-land travelers returning to propagate the goodness of faith into hatred

Vengeance is fueled funeral after funeral with the body parts that could be found
As all but dental records are kept under the pillows of weeping mothers
As convoys meet improvised-explosive-devices triggered on recon to protect the IUD’s in the vaginal cavities of sixteen year-old high school students studying in texts to be cosmopolitan

Wearing summer skirt bikinis in a mind pimping at McDonald’s for minimum wage
To save for tuition that mother and father can never afford to pay
Despite working forty-hours at minimum each to go in on Sunday’s basket-passing speech 
Staring and singing at karaoke projected lyrics as if evangelical Japan

Staging hell-night Halloween houses as comparison perdition-theater before All Saints Day
Nuclear skin melted examples of what happens when one does not listen
That lights beam down from the sky flash and the living apologize for not dying
To the relatives of the deceased for the shameful blessing of their cancerous polyps

Bulging redden noses and rotten teeth falling out into geriatric Hiroshima
Tolling another country America does not wish to have a military for a watchdog
On the atheists of China exercises food scarcities and challenging
Royal Dutch Shell, BP, and Exxon-Mobil for drilling domination

To set the drivers of the world in round-about circle after circle in a Piccadilly Circus cafeteria
So that one feels like he is making a choice between the offerings prepared in the same kitchen
Plates of greens, poultry, sushi, lentils, and chickpeas spooned and forked
Mouth after mouth churning the consumption so that with every droplet of saliva

A bit more of the world’s finite water is consolidated in a tithe to the proprietors
Vague visage in the stark shadows of the counting rooms where billionaires compare troves
Like pupils in a common schoolyard eyeing piles and stacks in a global poker game
As the thrill of the hunt is the opiate over the masses to keep the moneychanger’s temple operational

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