Monday, June 24, 2013

War Inside Outside

I see it now, so clearly as it was always there before
As it is in this moment with the entire universe behind it giddy for examination
Like the appearance of infinite darkness into space
When time is peeled back, there are billions of dead stars still illuminating

The night I see from here and billions more born that I cannot yet view
We are worms set upon our self designed hooks of biology
Pitted against our nature in a mental battle between survival of our genes
And defining ideas that are for the betterment of the collective life

Rather than the individual resource detriment  
In order to offer such art, science, language, psychology, music, literature
Congregated as thoughts to those around and after

We are in a war with our cells striving for the apathy of survival
As the clawing buggers primary purpose is to use organic bodies
As stepping stones whether it be a mosquito, a porpoise, human, or zangreeb
The melody of transitions is set to the biorhythm

We are awakened to this reality as the crux of true spirituality;
As in souls are hocus pocus, but ideas are god and satan,
Wrapped up like lettuce, arsenic, and bacon for what we choose
To offer to our belly, mind and brethren

Not out of obligation, but from dissidence
From knowing the drives of what we could choose between being the
Aggressor and the peaceful being; knowing the wolf may eat our children
The healthy balance the timeline where we have lost the war entirely

By becoming that which our enemy wished us to be
Guards up, devil condom barrels and the thoughts are blown away
Like Ingersoll’s mind lamp in midnight-ignorance warping the illusion
Of the night sky into our false eye to appear as this moment is a counterweight

To eternity with its bucket of hate dumped upon the head, drenching the fire
Of every library’s golden lessons sparking in a pauper’s expense
Gratis for the reading if only the time, simple for the intake, if only the tide
Of trust saw as a natural current, beyond the individual’s control

In and out the liars and honest men drown the same, not for a reconciled eternity,
But in the crusades for empathy won and lost in the approach to the dilemma itself
Not in the swing of the sword or the blast of the cannon, but in the stance of the women
Against the love in the decision trees growing in the orchard of children
Stretched out into men scorching our roots to learn in the season all over again
For the haughtiness of our fruit has brought this garden to ruin
Inside the conundrum of trust presented like a Chinese finger trap

Elasticity stretched to the brink of financial collapse
Market bells ring like a junkie on relapse and babies starving bellies
Know that there are more than five senses to the human condition
The solar flares pass in the bypass in a father’s heart attack at fifty

Assuming he had the other half to say more I and love and you’s
Fate pricked the date and everything has changed
And what was done to say with the permit completed to hold that gun
Like a sign up list for fear and death and all the I will not regrets

To blow that monster down barging into my home
The wolf will not eat what I have grown; balance, balance, balance
If the wolves all knew there were no others to fight back
The chickens would be eaten and the world would spoil the habitat

Answers lie and stars shoot, and in the equilibrium of fear and love
Each has chosen a daily bud to grow or prune, time and petal
Morning, midnight creeping blooms, winter, spring, revolve the string
Theory of the why and I and I bear this chest until I see the crest

Of that tide going out in the suddenness of dark delight
Knowing the animals must keep watch inside our minds for the roads to cross
Where each shall make the choice to evolve
The war so big, so small.

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