Friday, June 14, 2013

Love as Blindness as Labyrinth

That feeling that as Etta sang, “I would rather go blind than see you walk away,”
I know no one has ever felt even close to that way about me
In turn I have only felt it once, maybe twice, but the second is still percolating.

My heart is a numb ache of wanting to set vulnerability as an offering
Resting unspoken in a hub of vagabonds and socialites scurrying and stagnant
The spoken for and the commotion is a blistering fog of nothingness
Disguising the statuesque assumptions that someone else is in route

The discussion is merely halted for temporary cessation, a breathing repose
For individual sanity, when the duration is neither known nor assured to be any
Less than one’s life span, observing in introverted labor strike
So that we are each running in haste about this life panting for a partner to dance

Whether crowded in outward panic or calm the result is genetic
Our animal kinship whips sexual drives as our master demanding propagation
Of our line in the species even if we know it is not in our best interest to acknowledge
Our true placement in the community

The silence in the vat is habitat for conjecture, overtures and recognition
That we know so little of who we are and in secret hope to discover an answer
In the arms of someone else

That departure sentiment of knowing we are truly loved
By what our removal would do to the other is indisputable.
The function of despair is not to bring one to depression, but sadness
Genuine sadness in the absence of our dearest love

Is not our self, is not our incompletion, but our composite elation
Spun into flesh of empathy and yearning to know the scale of our humanity
Cavernous, intricate and independent to time balances on the breaths we have uncertain
And to revert so dastardly to elect with remaining time to undo;

To select not to venture inward and onward with such hand to skin, eye to the curvature
Of one’s heart tangent to one’s cheeks in the volumes one can express in a simple smile
Or lack thereof, one knows eternity in the extraction
One wishes not to see the darkness of such labyrinths; for there is no bottom, no end

Only the idea of not loving; of untethering one from such bonds and yet remain a self
This is an inexorable facet of true love, of which much has been written
And only the brave have ever escaped

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