Friday, June 21, 2013

A Letter to Daughter, in seven parts: Part Three

Part Three:

Genes do not find favor or preference in inhabiting a fichus, redwood, or bonsai tree
Compared to a mussel or a muscle or a sheepshead fish or a sheep
Versus an orangutan, platypus, orca or human,
We are equivalent means of carrying maps.

The cartographers are the genes copying, battling, and aligning in configurations
That facilitate their leaps from one generation to the next assuring a pseudo sense of immortality
We as humans have a group of cells we have used our tool of language to name brain
To identity this industry inside of us, yet so many see the need to assign this process to the hands

Of a master builder as if such a developer were necessary or would have hands
As one to exist outside of space time had a purpose or that we in our iteration of genetic skydiving
Were special, unique, possibly rare, but not like any anomaly in a greater system granted
Immunity from the base formation of creation in which so many
Linked genetic maps of a common soup call father

The instructions to a mosquito, a fern or dare say a crocodile are simpler than that of a human
The genes found a suitable paradigm and sought to stick with the environment
As habitats change with the brash complications of gravity, thermodynamics and physics
Upon our tiny galaxy and in turn our planet these genes adapt as needed or perish

Each catalog is rampant with the tributaries off a river which was once a lake beyond the skies
No avenue of life is necessary or mandated or a purpose above, but merely a piece of puzzle
Just as unlikely to occur as the combination of personhood breathing in your body, which
Could have been masturbated by me or flushed with a tampon’s nobility as half cells by your mother

Volleying your life as you know it into nonexistence or therein I could be writing to an alternate combination of your mother and I’s genetics writing to my son or a shorter or less intelligent daughter, but in all lottery wins I have the privilege of writing this poem to you, to which I am elated, and
Happy to tell you that it is in no way this unlikelihood which makes you special

You are special because you have volition and sense of comprehension to contemplate
These versions of truths and carry them and our genes forward
These genes do not control you; they are no better or worse than any other genetic placeholder
They are merely at our core what we physically are given no anthropomorphized mind control,

Although in our ego, superego, and id we triangulate a personality which is beholden
To the motivations of carrying on our code, but know that we in our form of evolution
Can utilize contraception and in some cases abortion to choose the timing, frequency, and possibility of our genetic blueprint moving forward, our brain cells can trump our half cells
And still engage in sexual intercourse unabated

This is the taunt of the fist of the vessel against our genes
This is rare, but not unique in life, but in all we are called to define our own terms
At the same time balancing the future of our super organism

To Part 4

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