Monday, June 24, 2013

Land of Privilege

I spoke with my grandmother,
I have not earned the right to be so slothful as to read fiction.
Every moment is a fleeting tablecloth of time to set.
One can invest nourishment of learning or regret,

So with this Sunday morning I made a list for the day:
To call my cousin and see how she is doing after the accident and
Peering out to the advent of her first adult job.

I will change the feces ridden waste-water dousing my daughter’s turtles in the garage
These environments are changed weekly and so I must see that the reptiles
Do not escape this time into the garden smashing their skin against the house bricks
As if that led to a bayou and once grown they may not be made into soup

As I prepared from a frozen snapping version of their genetic cousins yesterday
Purchased from the Westwego, Louisiana shrimp lot and mixed with a trinity
Of onions, bell peppers, celery awash in cayenne, sherry and boiled chicken menstruation
The brew was primordial reaching back into seeing the texture in the muscle tissue
Divergent, but similar in ultimate origin to crustaceans, birds or mammals

Typically in the pot so that I may shop on the web to Amazon 
After signing up for a habitat for humanity volunteer day on August third
I hunt for musical entrees from standard bearers that I may not have uncovered in full as of yet
To Mahalia Jackson, Sam Cooke, Big Mama Thorton, George Carlin, and Nirvana
With a tribute to Woody and Lead Belly and no break to pray the rosary in front of the television

Like you do so beautifully every wake and riding your stationary bicycle
To keep the cells in your legs reminded that you are committed to life
I am wandering my kindle electronic library showing you the range
From Hitchens, Einstein, Dawkins, Hawking, Sagan, Freud, Jung, Kierkegaard and on and on

So that, no I have not earned the right as to read fiction yet,
I must invest in the foundation of the countless lifetimes set before me
Read, listen, consider, and write on occasion what pops in, but perpetually
Cognizant that to move forward it behooves oneself to be armed

With the ammunition of those bearing the badge of a lifetime of committed hours
Pushing the barrier of human understanding that inch further so that I might dare to drive on
Another measure, however incremental I was not so foolish to place myself
In the land of privilege to take a Sunday for such indolent practice of worship

Or assumption that I need bake the bread from the start and claim accomplishment
Ignoring the measures of ration set before sleeping in libraries like oxygen
Waiting to be breathed in by inquisitive children of the trees
Daring to grow humbly like the tortoise, aging slowly, watching

Lungs inflating, deflating methodically observing the universe
In the basic act of respiration

Penance, veneration in a building to statues
Idolatry with commandments against idolatry,
Oh the time wasted that could be spent,

So I am reading, listening, viewing, observing
So that I may do

I do in the ocean of empathy through the jungle land
Basking on the shores of vagabonds begging for a purpose
Wanting so completely to be needed
Knowing we are all lost and found inside cities

Constructed, bought, sold, and demolished inside ourselves
We see the streets melted and rising like phoenixes waltzing
As seconds dancing away into the oblivion of moments
We can never have back

One day I may read fiction, but it is not that day yet.

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