Friday, June 21, 2013

Rant: Smalltalk sensing the sickness within

I have great difficulty remembering people’s names, faces and presenting a context where just about any of them make an impression which is not worthy of recollection, but rather sufficient to surpass the threshold of my natural inclination to avoid interaction with other humans.  On a Freudian level this hints at my sickness.

I feel in my guts I have a form of autism, a slant, a variation, a hue through the stained glass.  I am not sure how to label the label, but if I had to I find it hard to discern that this urge to avoid rather than enter dynamics of human socialization is normal.  Given the world of human love, need, and reciprocation I ponder the origin of such sensations, but ultimately place it deep in my ego.

Nature and nurture permeate through my decision forest cluttered and stumped.  I know from before being too young to even retain many memories in kindergarten, I remember the phobia of an eighth-grade buddy who was supposed to guide me in class and wanting no part of his words.

I think of my older brother who absent the technicality of birth order feels so much to me like a younger brother or a median brother, but the aspects of socialization, which could be found to be most useful in deciphering based on his seniority are found to be muted, to nil as the world has always been a crash course in avoidance. 

So in part of me rejects the authority of most senior figures, absent my parents, whom I regard as rational introverts who have steered me productive directions absent religion.  I feel they too have disavowed religion intellectually, but feel an escalation of commitment spiritually which does not allow them to sever the entire social ritual without a suitable replacement paradigm while their sense of time has slipped past the fifty-percent tipping point of illusion.

I have however felt the urge to challenge every employer I have ever had with what I feel is a healthy sense of acrimony to spur growth.  For if I am to be a complacent droll dolt then I become machine-like and sign my death warrant to a cult of synchronized monotony.  However if I retain the blade of dissidence, the confidence to talk back on occasion, to assert my volition to challenge a status of this is the way it has always been done in times of intellectual stimulation I feel I am still participating in the greater aspects of my existence including my contribution to the workload of the super organism though healthy commerce.

When I come down from my office, I tend to avoid eyesight.  In prior terms of employment I got to eat alone in my office.  I liked that; I brought my lunch or ate by myself solitary at a client.  Nobody bothered me.  I could read a book, write a poem or wander on the internet.  Yet now I have to meet with people and indulge in the horror of mandated shop or small talk.  When given the choice I will talk work, as there is only so much people can discuss without getting personal.

To discuss with a filter of subjects off limits puts me like a dog in a kennel.  My natural inclination is not to participate in such plastic circuses.  Give me a few acquaintances with minimal boundaries to see social nudity and familial truth.  I relish the uncomfortable for it is where doing breathes.

I am snug basking in who and what we are beyond the teetering consternation of a body which brings up the weather or watches waterspouts or speaks of clouds or members of their clan who have no bearing or context on any known interface to my informed landscape of information.  To do this while the environment of existential, cosmological, sexual, philosophical, fanatical, irresponsible, political, fantastical, or socially-flavored with that healthy twinge of uncomfortable are available and yet declined for us, give me silence.  Give me alone.  Give me my own head.

I cannot take the walk to risk time-sucking mammals stealing my chance to think, to progress with such dastardly indolence-inducing seizures of droll.  Give me the void.  Give me the productive measure of a keyboard and accountancy.  Give me the script of authors to peruse, but this is like a man trying to put his penis in his own mouth; it is a feckless endeavor that may sound appealing to the masses, but is ultimately barren of productive value or actual life. 

I don’t understand why most people do half the things they do.  Maybe I have systematically self-sabotaged my life to avoid participating in such festivals.  I am not sure.  Maybe I am angry for being excluded and have found a coping mechanism in convincing myself I did not want to be included in the first place.  I gather it is a combination of the two. 

In the current end, I do not see the point of most of the actions of life outside the construct that humans are a super organism like ants.  We rarely acknowledge our limitations or the preponderance of our activities to fit roles and pursuits to the greater end.  We hustle in factories of economics to process resources and meet needs to distance ourselves from nature and rise above as a species. 

Some of us go to temples and churches and such to feel like there is a common sense of something connecting us that we can blame or thank for what is difficult for us to describe or comprehend.  Others see the randomness and ignore the balance of science and the purity of volition carried out by instinct, sexual selfish gene principles and stupid ass mistakes all species make in error or by suboptimal election. 

This would include war, violence in most forms, environmental rape, racism, sexism, and the basic iterations of bigotry, but most of all the inclination to engage in small talk as an escape to avoid confronting the reality of these and other prominent aspects of who and what we are, because once stripped of this recreational form of living, one is redirected to the simplicity of raw existence, which leaves most members of the super organism dumbfounded, anxious, and embarrassed at how little one actually does to recognize the universe in context to the self. 

The self begins to shrink and the universes stacked upon and around one another and the true tablet of time commands the podium.  All this talk of god, which is just another form of egotism at its root parceling out self-responsibility from volition to indemnify one’s placement in time, this talk gets shaky like an earthquake of assumptions and one is forced to face exploration naked.  There is no copout, scapegoat Jesus or what may you, to associate morality, eternity, salvation, or ration towards, but these concepts must be prepared and consumed with one’s hands for one’s plate and not in the convenience of the crib buffet. 

So people who want to talk to me, talk to me, but I am so often left disappointed or afraid that the level of confidence and faith that I have in others to actually have a damn thing to talk about is an infertile garden to which I have attempted and failed to find nourishment over and again.  What I have to say seems like an ocean of babble irrelevant.  All the small and large talk seems pointless in the end. 

I am just a lost son of a bitch holding out for a purpose trying to convince myself I have a clue.  “Nobody seems to know nothing anyone” like Billy Bragg saing.  Maybe I have just spent these decades waiting for somebody to talk to about a damn thing that made sense.  I can count the meaningful conversations in under a hundred, maybe fifty.  Given the sunsets it feels like starving.  I am so god damn hungry.  Something is going to have to die to fix it, faith, hope, expectations, ration, worry, thinking, normalcy, something has to die.

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