Friday, June 14, 2013

Thoughts on “From Letters to a Young Contrarian (Art of Mentoring) Part IX by Christopher Hitchens”

Link to Hitchens Quote
I imagine Hitch deceased after his body’s cancer.  The volition to depict the sentiment of not only not believing in religion or god, but asserting one’s claim to be against such pageantry is like a welcoming flag for me.  I peer into the universe and see the nonsense humans partake in to squabble on Earth akin to murdering someone at the grocer’s for purchasing Pepsi over Coca Cola, while each is deficient and yet contains the superior plain water we are each primarily composed. 

I am an antitheist.  I have traveled from newborn, to baptized Catholic, to confirmed Catholic praying morning and night, to married Catholic to a mix of eviction and self-departure from the train.  For a while I considered myself agnostic, as it was enough to say I did not know, that it could be possible because of the classical cosmological argument that something outside of existence must have created existence.

I read and grew, kept going.  The more I began to comprehend space time, the idea of boundless time and a limitless space.  This severed the remaining tether of a necessary, yet entirely non-interactive deity which linked my thin agnosticism.  With this ration unhindered the veil of hope shifted to see peace, love, personal responsibility, the core of volition and interconnection on an unparalleled level of freedom unburdened by the false debate of god. 

During my journey, I questioned, debated, rationalized, and at times served as envoy to insert others including my daughter in her infancy to the circus.  I cannot say there is a singular moment of my de-conversion, but if there was it lay in cognizance of the cruelty of religion and the joy of reflecting that there is no anger with god over it because god does not exist.  The anger, the protest, which remains is against the intransigence humanity has born unto ourselves for allowing the dogma and illusions of our fears to cannibalize our love.

I was and am drawn to the contrarian stance, as any even infrequent reader to this blog may attest.  I feel an overt compulsion to write.  It is not enough for me to think, but I must script these sentiments even in the arrogance of self-disclosure to my mind in full of what I think, how and why I think such claims.  I do not wish to be placed as bystander of collective mind’s ignorance or self-defeat if I have time left as a breathing being.  I do not take any second for granted and with this I intend to live as full as I can manage unbridled by such bits as heaven, perdition or some sacrificial non-scientific reincarnation.

Religion appears to me as dividing, while doing so much more harm than good, to which if were proven to be true as Hitchens details, would be “miserable.”  A pox on Pascal’s wager!  Fuck the notion of god purported to so many!  Such a contrived ghoul is a foul extinction haunting the living into lethargy of indolent perspiration fearing the return and tantrums in a “sinister fairy tale!”  Alas in this panic the masses grow blind as moles burying ourselves in such fruitless soil.  So few are brave enough to open our eyes to engulf the nudity surrounding us and live, truly live; thanks Hitch.

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