Friday, June 21, 2013

A Letter to Daughter, in seven parts: Part Two

Part Two:

Justice misguides an individual to promote the concept of self as a severable interface of matter.
We are energy evolved.  The bang out of Planck time to start our infinitesimal universe,
Which spurred billions of galaxies of which we inhabit one, which revolves every
Two hundred million years and we are thirty-thousand light years from its center

In a slot a hundred thousand light years from linear extremity with billions of stars,
Which we are conveniently located close and far enough from one of those gaseous orbs
On a planet revolving around nine hundred miles an hour to take the heat of not limitless
Nuclear reactions in a ballet of Einstein’s equation of helium and hydrogen from our sun

To warm, yet not scorch this congregation of organized carbon and other assorted elements
Flooded in pools of hydrogen two, oxygen one to formulate a primordial soup
Of the foundation of deoxyribonucleic acid in the proteins of life establishing
Replication, domination, sabotage, cooperation, and paramount organization

Systems reign in the illusion of chaos by sorting the stable from the unstable
Space time sat with a field of energy appearing as nothingness until the instability cracked
A fissure in the dam; anomalies occur unintentionally
The world may try to convince you evolutionary segmentation is the work of god,

When it is in scientific iteration a mathematical improbability, which was not planned, not elected,
Not even advisable in most occurrences; see the system is engineered towards stability, non-change
Yet we change, we grow, we endure through what we were is not what we will be
Thus in this, the inkling sunlight of a purpose shines in the darkness.

The systematic computations of the primordial soup allow for the blueprints of
The mitosis and meiosis of the single cell twenty-three chromosomes from your mother
And twenty-three chromosomes from me supplied you with a unique combination of genetic codification
Each spermatozoa is an un-replicated package of half-cell in the universe acting as cargo carrier
For instructions counterbalanced in symmetrical novelty by the instructions in each ovule

The ritual of menstruation, which your body has been preparing for since the moment
I ejaculated into your mother’s vaginal cavity around October 2003 and one of my legion
Ate through the gates of the fortress egg to become you originated a set of builders
Replicating, dominating, sabotaging, cooperating and organizing the body of cellular genetics

You know to be your own.
This was done as your grandparents did for each of your parents or in better terms
The genes of our ancestors facilitated their temporal version of eternity hop scotching
Across these precarious floating logs in the bog we call our bodies

Bones, muscles, lungs, brains, skin and blood are but vessels to barge these genetic
Engineered plans to successive descendants
From energy converted into matter into this constant mathematical puzzle
To which so many dub a mystery of life

To part 3

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