Friday, June 21, 2013

Genes of Dissidence

 If prior lives of humans were possible, I think I was one of the heretics
Burned at the stake, angry at the populace’s notions of god
There is nothing that irks me more than being accused of a wrong
I know I did not commit.

The only thing worse is to be accused of something which I know to be
Against my principles, this is as if the accuser is stating ignorance
Of who I am, not the rudimentary label to me of liar
But of reconfigured facts, as if the universe is not the universe.

Sentiment becomes empirical rationed data to be presented
Against proven hypotheses as an equal standard of measure
As a mile walked by one man could be calculated differently than a mile by another
As if things are unequal based on perceived burden rather than the tone of muscle

Or earned ease, the calculations prostrate the meek to the capricious avarice
Of the blessed by spirit, by gilded treasury, or by the reputable currency of rumor
The mills spin their wheels and all that is left after the grindstone
Is a notion of sustenance engulfed in a parade of understanding before learning.

I am nauseous at the thought that I could abide such fervor and
Not set my body to death rather than acknowledge this as truth.

I would like to believe this to be, but then again as old a soul as I feel
I do not believe in such splits as severable essence, maybe parts of me have been parts of others
In other universes, to which by parts I mean the genes in me which exist beyond matter
From primordial soup of chromosomes arranging back to organizing energy banged out

Which once consolidated by full gravity compressed from prior matter into energy
From energy out to matter, this may be, but here on this Earth, no
Here in this universe, no, but so

Maybe there and then was so very similar to here
Varying slightly so that maybe there I was the accuser rather than the accused
Knowing the hypocrisy and guilt of exactly the wrong I had done
Somehow I feel it in the dissidence in my genes

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