Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Shores of Babylon

What is our collective most afraid of;
Recognition that we cannot control free-will to harm ourselves
So in attempting to arrest the tides
We destroy the shore in heaps of grain by constructing flood walls

Absent the egress of the water in and out
Nutrients strand mixed upon the ocean
Never to amalgamate into rooted footholds
The craven arrogance of the security state

Peers across the harbor in a lighthouse of universal ignominy
Fearing our saviors and to castigate the fewer devils
Constitutional schizophrenia to let spare no filter for the innocent
Like inverse shrimping nets designed to catch monster turtles  

A harpoon would be all the more effective
Yet, the drones are scanning the populace in cyberspace and sand
Bombing the autonomy of civility and accusing it of hiding in the Ides
Marching to patriotism the rabble croons

Sweet flag-wrapped porcine briskets of caked dough fried
For a drive-through of apathy until it is you and me who are being served
Out the in-door in the plastic-casing sterile, proper with a badge-number
Branded into the flesh from the pillory of anti-thought into the value meal

Burn Salem, burn and the books come next
Which ones, this one, little bitty witch ones
Spreading lies in the source code of zeroes
Guessing the graces of dildos and crucifixes

Assigned and intermixed to become nothing like the beach
Flowers grew up with, until the very oceans we evolved from
Are brandished terrorist, immigrant, not-slave wage qualified
Unfit to be trusted to maintain the control of the bell-ringing market

Or the field of the pesticide-proof apple bitten by the crowd
The levees are raised to Babylon and even the albatross cannot land
After Ulysses has managed to find home to warn us
He too is rejected.

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