Friday, June 28, 2013

Perpendicular Horizon

Sometimes I just want to fall over and cry
Weep at the moon in a lawn, quiet, no howls
Just scrape the carcass floating around in my lungs
As I breathed in our time together

I remember words floating there of what we were
The moment I realized you had lit them afire
Like a string-fuse of cinders sparking whizzing death
Forming a line of charcoal mosquitoes assembling coffins in my bronchi

Floating barges of memories through my blood stream
In a current of scorched flotsam
The packages, photographs, plates, architectural plans

Occasionally the parade comes back around
Years, hours, smells, sounds, time is shrapnel
Lodged like a hotel I cannot check out of
I am out of currency;

I do not want that; I do not want this
I do not want an alternative; oblivion sings
So I am attempting to live without living
I have crawled as much as I can inside my mind

Work, bills, invoices still come, but
Nothing feels appropriate; it is as if you killed me in that moment
Like that stupid fucking M Night Shamalamdingdong Sixth sense movie
Everybody raved about it and I saw it and just assumed the motherfucker was dead

I sat through that shit on the sofa with you, and yet this surprised me
I never pictured you could twist the blade, yeah I could see you killing me
But you wanted to plead to the authorities it was self-defense
Monster in my skin and to our child and all I did was love you

All I did was love you;

We built a country cathedral,
I ate your mother’s shepherd’s pie 
Nine years in that black and white and the whole thing was burned to flecks

And sometimes I just want to fall over and cry
Weep at the moon in a lawn, quiet, no howls
Just scrape the carcass floating around in my lungs
As I breathed in our time together

For so long I wanted to save you; a window to allow us to speak
I could forgive you verbally as if that was something you wanted
Knowing the schism was a void tearing away two entire people
The we who were ceased to exist entirely

I want to feel anger; I want to feel loneliness; I want to feel love
All are gone, vacuumed with the prior man, this is a character
In a body writing about politics, the universe, humanity
As an alien observer on outpost biding my time to even form an emotion

The basic components weigh like boulders
Rolling on an incline crushing my limbs each attempt
At least Sisyphus got to the top before he was forced to repeat
This is stationary numb

For years since the deluge the battles have approached in marauding nuance
Weekday-like innocuous and jarring like a stab wound to the abdomen
Instinct draws one to defend the face or the groin, but disembowelment
Is theater for a town and a man to replay in loop

As there is no glorified reprieve of jugular purge to gush forgetfulness’ embrace
There is the drive-through recollection of Wednesday’s laying left face flush to the hardwood
Staring at the underbelly of the sofa’s defying gravity like mountain climbers
Perpendicular to the Earth as the floor appears to rush into the sky and descend

Outside the raised porch boasts a white railing and an inverted horizon of grass
With the fence so the neighbors cannot peek in; I can see the dust floating, glistening
Like an audience as my tears trail west across the middle passage of my nose to the floor
Of what we called our home; staring at the complex, gravity has abandoned me

All I see is silence; I twist my spine and rise to peer at the pictures I had to take down
From the hallway to the mattress I still sleep in on the right side like always because
The bathroom path was on the left; even though the current place had a similar layout
I still cannot sleep in the middle or transpose 

That my dreams and waking thoughts are in a boxing match
Victory is exhaustion so that I forget the other and remember the victor.
I write to negotiate the peace of oblivion of pacific function

Financial so financial, bank account is like a cutout at a shooting range; riddled
The half tuition checks, the single election for health insurance; knowing full well
The greatest threat to me are my own hands; denial of coverage for therapy
Was a banner day for my faith.

The prenatal vitamins, the replacement closet menagerie I saw on the credit card statement without word
Before the trial, the subpoenas of kindergarten teachers, conspiring with the haughty
Getting me booted off my client at work was a spectacular coup
Image effusive with country glamor and mine a stray pup bowing out of cow-town

Knowing I had to give away every hour I went to war for to see our child
In order to continue respiration past thirty-five
The weight, the stakes in the yard to sell homes; if one can call them that
Battling with you over settlements still in the silence that can only be bought with lawyers

I think that is why they cost so god-dam fucking much
So that emotions can be scoffed at, batted down as inappropriate rebellion
To the austere sophistication of playbook divorce like a dance competition
Lauded over based on appearance rather than substance, subjective except for the sequins

I guess I never acquired enough; no one apparently can have enough sequins
You can apply them to bed sheets, energy bills, wall paint, jeans, and football jerseys
For season tickets we bought and I had to go every game alone,
Because priorities for you and to see come playoff time two years after the riots

You glistening there in your Drew Brees number 9 on that porch boasting about how you got tickets
Wore it to work standing on that porch like nothing had ever happened, new husband watching
In the mudroom as I come to pick up our daughter in my ritual of ignominy
I have never been a man of violence, but in that image in my mind I smash it to splinters

Yet it rebuilds itself perfectly as forgetfulness is an illusion
What humans really do is cover up memories in our brains like haystacks
We often believe pyres can be made, but the sticks remain dancing in eloquent
Lessons unfolding

Like the way when I finally got out the rental, bought a new house to make a go
In cow-town with the folks and the train tracks blaring
I put up my art, hung pictures of poetry, jazz, New Orleans, her, but not you
Grass to cut and gumbo to roux, Saints games to watch, aftercare pick up

True single-parent life, responsible from laundry, lunch packing, conversations, bedtime stories,
Scrapes and Scooby Doo and so many tiny talks inching their way from ignorance
Outgrown little pink socks watching white carpet grow beige knowing there was only death here

Packs of cardboard using china as everyday plates, who gives a fuck if they break
Downloading every genre of music in playlists just to have company
The illusion of someone talking to me without degrees or mandates but tickling freedom
From Miles Davis, Fats Domino, Sam Cooke Woody Guthrie, to Dylan, to Springsteen

The online pantomime digital life in ones and zeroes parading
Relishing the anesthetized environment where I can speak, but not have to conduct
The sign-up list to make an appointment to be heard
I would rather read Freud and learn how to psychoanalyze myself  

True human contact was always a puzzle, even before you
All you did was make the mud harden, cake on mixed with your spit
So that I feel it better some days to stay in the ground
Peering up, cool as if I can be in an egg shell with my electronic books, laptop

To read, to write, to think and bask in transcending universal
So that the personal of all the haystacks washes away in the superego’s grand insulation
The distance aids the throb to dull because the swell tends to intensify
When I look into our daughter’s eyes

Not sure if it was you or me that murdered her father
Blame is irrelevant, but blood, heart, lungs, abdomen all in a mashed unction
I attempt to imbibe slurp like a smoothie of strawberries
Seeing the red, pretending  

So now I am living in a bedroom with my grandmother five years later
On a forty-year old mattress with a spotty hotspot internet connection
To video chat with our daughter once every two weeks, waiting for our weekends
Trying to read her portions of chapters of Harry Potter feeling her thirst

Knowing I cannot buy a stable DSL line here
My one skillet is kept in the pantry with a pittance of my spices
For the times I can make room to peel shrimp and deveining the crustaceans
Is my meditation staring out the window over my grandmother’s sink

Out into the grass with the sky above and the dirt below
Ears less confused, but that mushy black line above the tail meat
Is being carved out before the heat is applied, natural from the Gulf
Genesis of Sundays sometimes using granny’s cast iron skillet

Taking time waiting for the last house to sell to buy someplace
Like a new lottery ticket for normality

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

SCOTUS June 26, 2013

If you were upset that the shoot-down of the
Defense of Marriage Act by the Supreme Court on 6/26/13
Went too far; very much consider that you are on the wrong side
Of not only history, but morality

If your version of morality comes from a fictional book made up
Of scientific impossibilities dubbed miracles to assuage the poor
That there is something to hope for beyond what seems like a rational
Counteraction to either revolt or to accept less; I pity your complication

Of what is simple, apparent without the manipulation of selfish genealogies
Playing out in social systems meant to twist goodness into ritualistic legalities

Kindness, empathy, and love exist innate to each being
These defy what may perpetuate temporary individual advantage
In exchange for trust into the collective for mutual wellbeing

The disparity between a penis in a rectum or a tongue brushing a clitoris
When the genders are similar rather than different is nil
The idea that sexuality is confined to the act of procreation
Is the warned damnation of Dawkins’ Selfish Genes beckoning through the ages.

Humanity must transcend our buried interest as if we are elephant seals upon the beach
Or cuckoos invading each others nests, hatching invaders nudging the other eggs
Over the ledge before their longer incubations pose beaks to exit shell
Every being could attempt to cut in line

We each could choose to be the driver of the elevated sports utility vehicle
Accelerating in the right lane which is closed on the bridge ahead
Knowing we will cut off some complacent schlep pacing turtle-like on the left
That one vehicle will pass in front of all the others waiting behind

His appointments will be made and the larger, the faster for now will win
What happens when we all try the same?
Every carriage a wall unto itself, weighted down with fear that
If I do not exploit the vulnerability before me, I know another will

Another and another until no one can pass in an ocean of crashed fenders and steaming engines
We could each choose to pursue I got mine, screw the rest.  We could.
Time shifts, genes flow like an undercurrent, but we are art, science, literature, poetry, music
We are volunteering, athletics, engineering; we are volition.

The battle of ration to exterminate vile compartments of religion is retorted by our biology
For in understanding biology, evolution, we uncover the universe down to the
Realization that we began as two half cells combining into a single cell
One would think this would invalidate the crux of the virgin birth, the Bible,
Most of the Christian deception right there

One would think that other religions not ambitious or unfortunate as to construct
Their version of archaic mythology on such faulty assumptions
Would suffer mass defections at the understanding of how humanity came to be
Physics lays the greatest nail into the idea of a god necessary to spark the universe

All these human factories of falsities bear foundation in such basic misunderstandings
Or origin of not only the human body, but the planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the nebula, the universe and the universes beyond and beyond;

The two are diametrically opposed and to claim a magic man is watching, listening, consorting, caring about whose prostate gland is being stimulated by whose penis or
Whose fingers are full fist in whose vagina fosters a similar absurdity, as belief in magic books.

I have often wondered how anyone could be racist,
Homophobic to the point of disgust,
How someone could kill a man over who he thought god was,
But we are; people do.

I come back to the lack of exploration a person chooses to combat his or her genes
The drive to affirm that what we are in every cell is somehow unique, special, possibly
Better than another, worthy of oppressing, imposing, dominating,
Pressing an advantage when the other is vulnerable before us

What makes a lion eat the progeny of another male to take over the pride?
Are these motivations so different?

History was not made today by god or moral fiber; it was made by politics
The same politics could have swung the other way as it did with voting rights
The day before; most of life is not done but with volition

We can write songs, paint pictures, pen poems; in the end the only
Measure of a self is choice; I am happy Americans are closer tonight
To choosing who they wish to marry, tax deductions, citizenship, pensions, children
Wrap into an idea that religion is not the problem; it is a symptom of the rudimentary selfishness

That formed all life on this planet out of primordial ooze to cells deciding that smaller numerous
Quicker gametes fused with fewer larger gametes to define the essence of male and female
That really is all male and female is; not lipstick, ties, beards or purses
We decorate the passageways of time, but at the base we are beyond gender

We are beyond race, creed, or sexuality
The drive to manipulate advantage based on these cloaks
Hides the deoxyribonucleic ladder from the being
So in we must breathe in awareness

We must combat ignorance with each pump of our heart
To understand where the war is truly fought
So that when we see Al-Assad, when we see factories in Bangladesh
When we see Tibet; when see that Al-Qaeda on 911 did not highjack planes
But the Muslim religion and the goodness within

See the morality of goodness was never in any religion,
But the clear division of the state of Israel should proclaim to the Earth
That we (The Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia) are incapable of admitting as such
Not yet, but we need more days like today where the goodness

Of those who choose a religious life and a non-religious life can coexist
Focusing on what is good, rather than what a book demands of a man or a woman
One step with so many more to go

 P.S. If one is to wonder how homosexuality could exist given such parades of gametes into cells
Homosexuality benefits our collective; we would all be weaker in its absence 
Imagine a world full of only construction workers or only musicians 
Beautiful in one respect, but so feeble and barren in generic overlap of aptitude
And glaring gaping chasms of feckless incapabilities