Thursday, December 3, 2015

What December Taught Me

Was that the vehicle is basically arbitrary
The coat of paint, seating fabric, engine size, gas mileage
It is the destination that matters

Can you get there?
Can the carriers in this form perform?
In this season, snow-tires, air conditioning variables and such
Sometimes softer, harder, needs vary, but

The sunset, the shortest day approaching solstice-type considerations
This is universal, gut, mind, spirit, emotional, physical confluence
Her, me, she, him, them, us, we
The stories, the circumstance, sure commonalities, appreciations

Replenishment of staggered value systems clicking up or down
Depending on the age or tint in the vine
The fruit tastes different when paired from barrel to tongue
With the cultures milked to congeal that strain of cheese

The beauty of the apple bitten
The space between in the tension of peering into eyes
Visualizing these dramas and comedies recycling theaters
Of who can and cannot play these roles in our ideal worlds

Choice in theories laughed and cried about
December taught me to shed the idea of the car as mandatory
The place I was going, am, always was, that convergent nexus
Was the same, and so how does one love knowing that?

The hub of it; the many roads
The Om Gang Ganapataye Namaha   
No evils to remove or salvation pools to drink
The just being and volition of that voyager over this one

To know; I see you; I see you here in this moment
Take my hand; let me hold you, hold me; we will walk in this light together
The arbitrary nature of this spot of earth or fancy waltz or drink
That it was not the vehicle, but the act of being chosen, choosing

That illuminates the glisten in the place we always are
Be that with me for this now; I want to tell stories, merge witness
Explode like stars humming exposed 

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