Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Maybe I wrote all these love poems
Because I wanted one in return so badly
Such a simple concept, lever of the universe
Fulcrum of energy type of deal

I saw in your masks what I wanted to receive
A human worth the receipt of another human’s energy
The invested effort of desire, of appreciation of presence
To lay down time in beads spun straw into words

Poet’s currency expensed in folded dough
Baked in heated letters rising inbox
That warm bath they gave you
Reciprocal all I wanted in return

The destructive force of sensing the appreciation, the bulb of impetus
Beginning to seed in you, not because I wrote
But because you wanted
Like light to stem after thirty consecutive winters

Your words were the hour after solstice
The break in the tide
The fulcrum shifting weight
For that measure of seconds breathing in me like that inch of dawn

I was a man beginning to fill his palms with blood
After holding his arms prostrate, seized and crimped
Hoping for notice that these bones were salvageable
You gave me a ray, a luminescent moment by the top of the stairs

Where I felt like I started to see you as a human being
Wanting me there and I weep in my bed at the beauty in that
Two and half revolutions of the sun later
Still in awe of the depth of how I thought I had found my person

Digesting the illusion, the gallery of costumes in pale skin
Not to harm me, but to preserve the routine of you
Cloistering me cold and wan in placid flour and butter oven-less 
Sterile unfolding this recipe crestfallen and flustered to drain

Days where to see that I pray there is no god, no taunt in this seesaw ambivalence
Thumping kerplunk in your indifference 

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