Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Sponge and the Ocean

I have never heard the words
I am sorry
From a lover
Except when accompanied by a goodbye

The pairing is vinous
The dry drink pucker of lips stuck
For the second of a bitten upper lip
Eyes to a shoelace tasting blood curdled hard

The arrangement of fighting
For or against propositional
Like an empath and a narcissist
Imbibing the insecurity blushing the ego

Pain-drenched for the sponge-lover
Paralysis of give and take
One taking on the emotions of the one who will not give
One using the other as a toy to receive

Insatiable adulation for dark crevice validation plaque
Like a siren or a scorpion or crab queen
Teeth, stingers, and pinchers
Absolving the clench of the profoundly wounded the boy is drawn

Quartered insatiable hunger for one to eat away the pain
Toxic muscle tissue regenerative to the bone like ghost-meat
Zombie-love undead growing stronger
Stout connection teeth-into skull of the controlled

Marionette emotional lantern illuminating the country-side staircases
Until the mermaids dive into father-mirrors and slashed-wrist drips

I hope that whole denial thing works out 

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