Thursday, December 31, 2015

Why it is so Hard to Meet People;

I think you might be hiding just like me
Wrapped up in an onslaught of thinking too much
Being personal and intimate insulated jargon of intellectualized insulation
Artistic and universal pull of time stitched into meandered patterns

Repeating in months and days dotted with obligation
Good soldier professionalism to commitments and outer-rim projections
To get this done on this pace, but for the most part
Day dreaming ghost-faced puff-headed waltz

Only-asking moments, engaging from time-to-time
In piecing that veil to be with all types of people on occasion
But no one too-much, that propensity to be present and not present
In the clover fields of other people seeing you, but you’re not there

There but not there scattered in between the meditations of the sky-fall
Ceiling to floor glances about rotating vortexes of color and Kandinsky squares
Rocking lines swallowing sunsets and guitar cases strumming hours
Until the brain swells and commands the factory to shut-down

To be owned as a vehicle in the moments where time is chauffer
Driving the object a head abides whether we are choosing to is up for debate
Here stubborn-blood and stowed skin, how to behave in the hours given
The year and the worry of the old years and the old phrases

That make a heart just shiver and compact itself into a stow-away
Truck-box in-route to Cincinnati or Phoenix or rising in an icy-desert
Brambling through swamp-grass and coffee full of tears and wondering
If there will ever be someone to share this cup with before the check comes

The sign off the tip for the great big adventure, if one had known
If one could have avoided all those pothole distractions clunking up chalk-teeth speech
Wasted days saying the something-else that fills up pots of regret-suds
Soaking the debris and the fall-apart entrails

Not so much worried about what it/I look like
Just walking, being, breathing, the stillness in the motion, the acknowledgment
Of what one is, the great-big-bite
Kind of if you think about it; everything else tends to fade silly-like

Compared to that;  

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