Tuesday, December 22, 2015


The disinclination of the counterpart
To allow a conversation to be a conversation
Like the tug of war rope dropped leaving a limp flag

Not even tied to a center point, no nucleus developed
Random scattering of electrons dissipating cloud
Self-destructive of relationship being a living entity formed
Between the active investment of a duality of parties

The gravity defunct in all this pensive hypothetical
Piano keys pounding melodious impossibility
Beating chords unstruck and dissonance muted
The apathy of no concern to emulate an argument

The molecule of protest to be concerned to froth above indifference
The caulking in an unsealed window, air meandering between
A feckless thermostat projecting numbers, intentions
Of what one may hope the environment may feel like

Knowing the regulation is a nest of wires disconnected
Pushing buttons on a robotic box, infertile change, barren womb
Vasectomy snip-snip in the night knowing and not knowing
The circulation of potential draining in an omnipresent dissipation

Careening into a bizarre notion of god, of plans, karmic situational rationalization
To justify the flake-out non-response, the unanswered texts or messages
Like communication is fertilizer and silence is the only method of weeding
Of starvation by apathetic sterility, the austere truncation

Incapable of mixed emotion as if there was ever a droplet
That this end mattered or had value, that a duality was even present for an inkling of drops
Congealing on the tip of a vein mapped to a heart, directions, turned-around
Vagabond type hobo network of thumbs-up interstate love songs

Praying on the kindness of a kernel of blind openness that this face was not blankness
The space between atoms in the universe, the flow place, but rather the landing
The threshold gathering of matter, of gravity’s conflux accreting in the emotional language

To challenge the logical into what empowers being 

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