Friday, December 11, 2015

This Week 20151210: Thoughts in My Head Influenced By the Hive

  • Zombie Nativity and Bill of Rights manger scenes are like bubbles of free thought staring down the Christmas American juggernaut of ‘everybody is comfortable with this why aren’t you?’ disproportionate taxpayer funding and psychological latitude for the majority’s religion.  Co-worker apologizing for saying ‘Merry Christmas’ as if my views assume some kernel of offense rather than a deeper understanding of the sociological subject matter about ubiquitous acquiescence to the Christ child’s eternal vaginal departure.  December is just December.  Eh to the tree in the lobby.  Distraction, misdirection, magic tricks.  Being together, gathering family, humans, empathy; the rest is icing.

  • Confederate monument removal is the civil war perpetuating a legacy of genocide through complexities embodied in simple-stone physical objects.  Proponents of the status-quo misinterpret structural racism as imaginary or a cop’s quick-trigger black target practice as not about itch-fear of plantation revolt.  Old-time chickens roost in systematic economic and sociological pan-drippings of the Confederacy owning more capital wealth than all of Europe.  The grease is smeared in profits of comfort and black blood.  That stone is built in the dust of dead black bodies, suffering in the name of greed.  Overdue.

  • Medical benefits for 9/11/01 first-responders left to die cancer asbestos zombie firemen left to wither, drop off one-by-one disrespected as if to care for one is to allow a flood gate.  Political game of token concessions support those rushing into the flames until the photo-op, then the picture is blurred.  Fox calls the President a pussy on television.  Obstinate petulant disrespect typically sublimated to the less overt surfacing like shark teeth rather than the dorsal. Stir-up the herd like Trump off the reservation, out of controlled-protocol with the Roger Ailes’ agenda.  Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, America drone pilot video game civilian blood mushroom spores seeking why’s and vengeance, not so much mending bones.  Lone survivor courage disrespected suicide muffled under interstate overpass, millions to helicopter out, no dollars left for self-inflicted bullet to the head, PTSD, cancer, rot-lung, shrapnel-skull.  This war is about empathy and we are losing. 

  • A Republican actually argued with me against the Electoral College system claiming Obama lost the popular vote in both elections.  I tried to explain the Senate, state’s rights; I started on math, and then decided to keep to beer.  Facts, ugh…

  • I like dodgeball; having tea in coffee shops with smart women; looking forward to spending some time with my daughter while she has off from school, seeing Star Wars without mass shooters, the true holiday.  I did sage-pose in yoga and bowled with co-workers while drinking Old Fashioned’s.

  • Paris, bullet-splatter, into climate matters.  Economic transfers, engineering carbon exchanges, investment green technology funds, private-public, carbon-landfills, das-auto’s, coal, gas.  Shift higher percentages towards more vegetarian-based diet; methane cow farts, carbon-created per pound of nutritional intake per human, mathematics, taste-buds, telling an American no or limit marketed consumption, anti-capitalist-Christian 1950’s merger into Reaganomics, Chinese population uprising risk, conference on the extinction of the species, don’t-want-to-hear-it, make our own Ted Cruz-science, Liberal conspiracy, Inviting apocalypse is egging Jesus’ return; red-goad climate crisis; can’t eat smog or breathe cow feces.  Humans…

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