Thursday, December 31, 2015


The idea that someone could be happy to see me is apocalyptic
The entire section of the universe I have been raised or rooted to branch out from
Is based on the notion of antipathy, aversion, and at best apathy, indifference
But to look forward to, prompt or incentivize the presence of my being

Is cataclysmic glacier-melt, volcanic-ash upheaval
The fault-line quake juggernaut foot-stomp flash-dance
The hurricane twister-competition drink-the-flask freeze-up
On stage center spot-light freak-out paralysis

I can’t move in such sands.  I don’t know how.
Wasn’t built to or asked to navigate the idea of being requested,
Sought or appreciated to abide
Deer in flash-bulb moonlight truck stops abruptly to patiently allow crossing

Mine is the world of the unanswered phone call
The week long waiting and swallowed recognition of what silence amounts
Resignation of diluted want dripping callow impetuosity into meditative Bourbon
The toxic draught lacquered lozenge for the esophagus

Mine is the twenty page conversation with myself
Recycled into fifty or seventy page iterations over revolutions of the sun
Attempting closure in doppelganger volumes asking for a moment to hold court
Knowing the phases of the moons, the dark shadow hollow cores

The never return ring, the banded stone at the side of the sink without comment
The blank screen, the cavernous mailbox
The pittance drips to an ancient stomach
Blatantly eviscerated chin-up machinist turned pan-handler

This is done knowing parachutes are illusions
I never packed one or asked anyone to jump with me
At the start of life one startles already falling
It all depends on perception: the ground, the clouds, the others

Debris or not debris
Recognizing the smack potential in flashes then submerging back into daydreaming
I keep my eyes open, all of it, at once
Which leads me to feel like a narcoleptic voyeur of somnambulists
Occasionally garnering moments of clarity pondering who is really asleep

The art, poetry, music, social-zoology cosmos in complete stillness
When granted perspective of the vibrating oneness
I am amazed with the idea of anyone happy to speak with me

Because it entertains the idea of what real is
Of what a moment is; that I am in one with another being
So it is; to be in

The fall out the sky, the sleep or awake, the texture of the surface
The impact unveils as colorful and magical
As dissolving into the universe and us just being here
Like two smiling children on a log watching fireflies

Let us be here
You and I

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