Thursday, December 3, 2015

In A Silent Way

The ice pick nature of December
Slender reminiscent slip of impaling metal
Quick amongst the bustle, silent, fleeting alteration
So much blood for such a tiny hole

Date stamp, snowmen, electricity out, branches heavy
Crackling Katrina limbs lingering anomaly precipitation
Swamp tales, mud tongues, pristine porch boards
Hovering definition of family evaporating

The depression; it’s about that time
Accelerant to the churn-days stuffed with bought objects
The stockings, wrapping cloth, electronic distractions
Advertisements of to-and-from tags

Get-through-it nature of it all
Hopelessness permeating seat backs
Steering wheels contemplate abrupt right turns into evergreens

Take a compass box off the shelf, dispense refuse
Replacement void stare vision dulls year into year
Fuzzy complexion of an inability to take a vacation
For a septet of solar revolutions, the arbitrary nature of location

The space of the planet, breathing, inhalation, exhalation
The barter with interchangeability of blood vessel organisms
Of soil, concrete, roots, lakes, buildings, trails, carnivals
I am being; this is an illusion, indifference, irrelevance, independence

The long lungs filling like dirigibles, flight inside the mind
Visualizing a space above the fray mist of morning’s foggy cauldron
Rising into the realm of the universal over the relative
Love detaching in the calendar’s ink pen scribble annotations

The fifteenth is a Tuesday
Sixteenth is a women’s world cup soccer match in the Superdome
Seat next in the 2004 season left vacant after a child was born
Stepfather chauffeur, father uninvited; their special thing, how it is

On a given day, given month, given year
In a silent way, it’s about that time, Miles Davis

Horn fading 

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