Wednesday, March 2, 2016


The spider web is rigged in your favor
The twang vibrations stepped
The dew glistening between the strands
Wet dry in the planet’s rotation drinking sun blades

The silk holds
The compression of bodies hurling stones
Through the center wrap
Clumping the sticky nest in gravity

The disaster is a pleasantry
The beautiful destruction a windfall
The jay’s approach pecking at arachnid elbows
Crimpled in beak swallowed into enzyme

The blessing of digestion
Passing intestine into scat
The concern of being me
Trades the everything one is away

As if crunching molt-bones was loss
Of more than a conduit of interpretation
A vehicle of revelation
The fixation of I (earning, redemption, accolade)

Intersected dosage philosophical piano key reverberating in web
Clinging to the I doing excludes the whole universe one is
The zero sum obviousness of mathematics
Electron, proton, two-side equations, we are nothing if not balance

Spiritual infinity computing itself in endless iterations in duality
Veiled in the perception illusion of self and the ubiquitous constant

Of the everything we are also as the parameters of time negate
The being does cease, only is in a boundless stillness of internal motion

Capturing the iterations of one organ shifting copied by reciprocal compartments
To maintain the math, the gorgeous language of the goddess we are
Costuming in the hilarity of profanity dancing in eons courting mirrors
To decipher happiness or fate or extinction for an ego’s application

The spider web is rigged in your favor
Holding in the waves we are resounding in aggregations
Impossible to sever from the blind variables of equilibrium  

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