Sunday, March 13, 2016

Google Deep Mind defeats Go Player Lee Sedol 20150309

The productive arc of artificial intelligence cannibalizing an exponential portion of the human workforce is a crucible of our extinction.  The efficacies created as goods and services will be less expensive to deliver to market as Moore’s Law’s continues.  However if the profit is retained by owners and labor endures systematic disenfranchisement from the labor force through vast expanses of unemployment which continues to whittle consumer spending the global economy will suffer depression.  This is vastly evident in the low end of the labor force now and will creep up as the lie of consumerist capitalism prevails as a given to prioritize market health over economic health. 

Maybe a computer beating a chess or Go champion seems unrelated or trivial, it isn’t.  It is a symbolic link in a chain of variable computations, rules of the lines between the efficiencies of technology sprouted during WWII accelerating supply to meet growing demands then and what we will choose as a planet in the coming years.  We are a globe reaching a breaking point probably around 2025 due to the aging of those born after WWII.  Moore’s Law is an inevitability, the power of computers traveling that growth curve is a good and necessary tool of empowerment to meet the tsunami of demand that is coming for what the global population will be during that likely global depression.  However it is the act of empathy that will determine our fate, how, when, and with whom resources and the power of those technological assets are shared and ultimately owned.

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