Monday, March 7, 2016

March Begins Again

Depression can grip out of the Wednesday abyss
The stale toast lead paint spread of wanting to go nowhere but inward
To lie flat eyes into a pixel pane forest
Taste the absence like marmalade

Recognizing today yoga will not cut the fog
The coagulating air has stiffened and the spoken word group in the bar
The jostling of libido and intellectualization of heart meat
Would drain the last bit of juice in the battery

Ironic introverted energy of alone feels like the charger
The push pin marker of a travel log mapped across the globe
Wanting to go nowhere the compass demagnetized into a question of why
What is the point of seeing another city, the markets to get eaten by

Lost in the translation of how being around more is crushing
How to achieve equilibrium in together and alone
The grand inquisitor clumping malaise draught to the gullet
The lower back pain from the car accident with the insurance company

That won’t return phone calls
To the replacement vehicle that is failing to achieve the advertised miles per gallon
To the dealership that says our tests show the machinery is fine
There is nothing we can do

Typing out block letters and re-reading past years documenting a heart
Where it was to reach out to a human be referred to as disgusting or nothing
To acknowledge beyond what is blatantly condemnable in an ocean of baring being
Wanting to discuss how love works, the cosmic magic of opening

In those parcels of the universe that seemed stuffed with that this is what it is all about
The particles that swarm into the depression and swallow the malignancy with cushion hope
Settling the depression as a temporary inconvenience of perception, which while not destroyed
Is inoperable for the duration of this belief

That there are exchanges a being can participate where the skin comes off, bodies cease to be bodies
But conduits and the space between the quarks and atomic stars mingles into consciously understanding
Presence and how the fears and loves and hopes and depressions of this organic illusion of linear
Are in reality a constancy using time as a platform to reveal itself in waves

Waves that engulf us in this reformatting of what happiness is, joy or delight
Or the quiet victories clamored in the audacity to be seen
To be seen gruesome and awesome and for a common divinity imperfect perpetually
Attempting tangency with ego-less-ness  

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