Monday, March 7, 2016


There was a moment when Arthur Andersen was bleeding out after Enron
I was in the process of being laid off, jettisoned as flotsam for an income statement
Despite the CNN broadcasts I did not hear it coming on that day
As if I was safe or that my work product was relevant to the employment evisceration

There was a phone call received by my coworker
Approximately four thirty on a Monday afternoon in 2002
Leave the publicly traded company you are working on their 10Q
After having finished the previous year’s 10k the Friday before

Return to home office
Managing partner is waiting
We have to let you go

I thought of my father.
His exchange with a company that would later become Entergy
His flights to Pine Bluff Arkansas for labor away from us like a migratory bird
Dropping food in mouths

His termination, release into that wilderness
The self judgement on his manhood
How he rebounded, how he did not

Yesterday I got summoned into an office at four thirty on a Friday
The email to arrive said four people were supposed to attend
The president informed me upon arrival the other two would not be coming
Subterfuge, the non-alert of the employee to drain the most out before truncation

The avoidance of startling a bull in a computer system
Deletion, destruction of data, the milk-blood of money
A decision was made two months ago abruptly to shift accounting systems
Without request of my input, this was happening, my superior said he had no say

It costs twenty thousand dollars and about three thousand a year
Replacing one that cost $600; I did not understand.  Now I do.
They did not pay anyone to train me.  Why waste medicine on a terminal animal?
I figured out the software like a maze I was born to run on some empirical addiction

To learn, to grow, taking on the challenge of the moment, what was asked
Slipping, forgetting the lessons of the machine
That I am in this a number on the financial statements I prepare
For bodies that own assets; we are trading time for digits in banks

The thought a man and his siblings chairing a trust would restructure me without a goodbye
The insulated priority to be treated as a remainder in a quotient
Lopped off the body in deliberate impersonal cessation
Prompting me to begin life once more typing on resumes
Cover letters and explanations referencing the fallout of men like Kenneth Lay

I do not want my talents to make money for men like that
The initial shock, tears dripped the reservoir
Realizing the man who hired me is no longer in charge
The owners have ousted the ranks of logic, detailed discussion

The republic has flooded. Porsches in designated parking spots
Puffed chests and breasted trophy wives for a man
Who knows his father could have been a billionaire
And ended up with some sum of millions   

Understanding the mathematics, shifting ones and zeroes
I woke up depressed Friday morning later in the day
I got downsized in a jolt of numb ache contemplation
I woke up Saturday excited positive about what life can be

Enron taught me bitter does not do a damn thing for better
Like Twain said anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel
In which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured
I am divine love.  I wish you peace.  

Take these passwords.  Take my house of bricks.  Patch your straw.
Slice whatever you think of me away. 
I will be egoless
Slip through the shadow of a man I no longer will be. 

Forests sprout from rain, but nourish growth from shit and fire. 
Raze my trees, level to dust, and I will be timber licking the sky
Fuel in letting go of comfort.  Suffering cannot exist without want.
Knowing a path is gone, volition nil, I choose what is open.  

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