Sunday, March 13, 2016


I am not sure what to do with today.  Letting go; that is the message I am feeling.  There is a bravery to it.  I am challenged to muster, to breathe and be shed of what I cannot control.  

I do not know anything but being in the now.  That there is no place to go, no time to pass, but to shed the mind and pain that comes with it.  All I can attempt is to try to pay attention about what to choose in the forks.  I am not moving only revealing, awakening to the vibrational waves of what we are.  I know there is a balance.

There is a balance between releasing the ego, shedding all want and with it suffering, identity, demand, musts, and need.  The counterweight to this apparent absence is acceptance that one simultaneously is held by and holds the universe which is love.  That love might be called god by some, but it is not a theistic cog or any voice answering or separate or choosing.  Love is what we are flowing out of choice brushing through, into and as us; we are divine love. 

The answer is to try to witness love as one walks a naked self, as one answers the choices one encounters.  

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