Sunday, March 13, 2016

Koch Watch

Charles and David Koch are the ninth and tenth wealthiest humans on the planet at around forty billion dollars each. Together they are in the Bill Gates category.  They have invested probably a hundred million dollars in conservative causes that seek to lower taxes on the wealthy and subvert climate change.  Using rough math one hundred million would be .13% of their wealth.  So this would be like ten percent of a penny on each dollar.

What do they own and do?  Koch Industries is a private global conglomerate which some estimate at over $120 billion in revenue.  They own companies that affect forests, waters, land use, mining, and farming.  Koch has a pipeline company, a chemical group, agriculture group, minerals, and cattle company.  Restrictions on carbon emissions, changes to the human diet away from factory farming, shifts to renewable energy away from fossil fuels would cost the Koch’s billions. 

These Koch’s have funded this vested interest to subvert Congress, the Supreme Court, and the President of the United States and the fifty countries they operate in to continue to scavenge the planet as quickly and cheaply as possible.

We can seek to overthrow Citizen’s United to subvert their political influence.  We can seek to use less fossil fuel energy and eat less factory farmed animals.  If we build a house demand that Georgia Pacific lumber and plywood not be used or Stainmaster carpet.  We can also be more selective with how we wipe our asses for instance avoiding Quilted Northern or Angel Soft.  Do not buy Brawney paper towels or Dixie paper cups.  We can also vote for representation against their agenda and the candidates who take their money. 

Notice there is only one major Presidential candidate who has never accepted donations from the Koch’s.  Because of Citizens United the one the books donations are a pittance compared to what outside groups funded by the Koch’s can do.

Americans for Prosperity

American Legislative Exchange Council

State Policy Network

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