Thursday, March 17, 2016


Our self-perception begins with a line of memory with birth as the vertex
A mathematical extension between some point in our past and now
The mind has no recollection of before or in likely sequence
The points leading forward in biological age from cell fertilization

The arrow time grants us reality as what is perceived
Directed with atomic transference and cellular replication
Towards inevitable decay
There is no cessation to the atomic transposition in our bones

Delineating the obvious that our atomic aggregation is a mirage
Individuality in the quantum sense does not exist
So it is our mind constructed of nuclei
Views a film strip through eyelids, skin, olfactory glands, buds, and sound waves

We amass an ammunition compound of pleasantries and disasters
Interpreted in youth through parental lens to cogitate: what is good; what is bad
The neophyte sees an arc sloping facing concave like a prone belly
To the y axis as we progress along the x   

In age the answers will come
We will find our person, our people, salvation
A time will intersect our line when the resources are abundant
To retire from labor’s struggle, meditate, or travel this planet properly

The now is stuffed with business
Lightning strikes of inspiration, Irish luck and Nigerian rhythm
Fires of Palestinian tumult and Russian pathos
The ego ponders the path of movement along the arc of the x and y

Adolescence into adulthood increases the magnitude of our undulation
We are up and down in increasing attempts at expansion tethered in balance
Nebula form and stars explode in such ways   
We apply barriers at how far our perception can unveil

Death appears an asymptote tangent to our curve at infinity
We perceive an upper and lower limit of ascent and descent
Growth at one moment if we awaken our motion is recognized as stillness
That good and bad our genetic instructions first salivated and dreaded

Are but the protons and electrons we are made in cosmic quark
Dancing as us completely still when perceived in full
We begin to see not our small life as a point traveling in a linear series of waves
But a line filled in solid, expansive, extending to the borders of our human reality

We find a place without argument
We are conscious
We are without need of this bad or good thing
We abandon the mind as a library of identity

In this another form of mathematics dissolves the barriers
Death disintegrates; birth implodes
The axes spin into a circle rotating both counter and clockwise
In constant now expanding beyond light, time, self, or space

Into that infinity we once perceived as impossible to touch
We let go of identity, want, and suffering
The entire graph of the universe is found, everyone or thing we have or could know  
Boundless, beginning-less, endless

In every atom there is balance
Breath is inhalation and exhalation
Palpitation is pulsed in presence and absence  
Fertilization is half gamete and half gamete uniting

Mirrored in the infinity of what we are
Reentering our perception by death detaching from the blinders from our human body
The mind keeps us in silhouettes
Human reality is the shadow; the image is beyond five senses

A mind calls god, a mind writes names
The mind must be abandoned to be in the now
Consciousness released is egoless love
When one is, being, let go of the mind: one is that asymptote

Bursting with all the energy and mass of the universe in balance
With everything physical reality is not 

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