Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Where the 2016 Presidential election is going…and why Bernie Sanders will be the next president of the United States.

Capitalism has reached a global tipping point in a concentration of elitist prosperity that has alienated the traditional lower and lower middle white social issue voters that sustain the voting block to push a supply side economic agenda.  Ronald Reagan catapulted this economic battle plan into prominence during the ‘glory days’ of the 1980’s.  The economics are now systematically dysfunctional enough to threaten rampant governmental bankruptcies.  The aging of the Boomer population has left the Republican Party to political strategies such as: disenfranchisement through voter-fraud paranoia and gerrymandering, petulant legislative obstructionism, xenophobic nationalism, theistic fundamentalism, and most importantly degradation of science and at its root mathematics. 

Political discourse based in mathematics is the greatest threat to the elitist Republican agenda inside the donor pool that funds candidates ballyhooed by Citizens United.  The Trump conundrum inside the party is that the traditional strategies of the Republican Party are backfiring by empowering a rouge candidate who may not be under the Darth Vader-like obedience to the donor Emperors.  The donors for the preponderance represent Wall Street, the humans who run Wall Street and the capitalist agenda of aggregating the wealth of humanity into an elitist finite ownership group to direct the continued consolidation of that wealth. 

As the average lower to lower middle class Republican voter sees her or his economic position deteriorate the clout social issues that previously encouraged that individual to vote against her or his economic self-interest is waning.  One can see the budgeting nightmares of state after state and nation after nation which has tied their prosperity to unfettered capitalism prioritized on stock markets rather than the health, education, housing, and security of citizens.  Wall Street has created a moving goal line to keep desperation and ignorance among the citizens at a constant creep despite an avalanche of profits since Reaganomics was implemented.  This has been carried forward by Clinton and Obama’s Democratic presidencies because Wall Street controls both parties. 

The rise of Bernie Sanders and the popularity of Elizabeth Warren, who will either continue to lead in the Senate or be the vice presidential nomination as the first open democratic socialists in decades, is directly related to the antithesis of this global tipping point on capitalism.  Hillary Clinton represents a candidate closer to the Obama economic doctrine in not directly going after Wall Street.  Sanders and Warren will.  Clinton takes their donations just like her husband. 

Clinton is spouting the impracticality of a full assault or revolution against this form of crony capitalism. We face an environmental crisis which requires an economic evolution based on empathy and an overhaul of Wall Street through a consortium of nations to insert a global progressive wealth tax and the elimination of tax shelter locations like Ireland.  Wall Street will exploit the definition of what is legal in terms of filing locations and labor sources on a global basis until market assurances are in place to assert a consistent set of rules to prevent legal tax avoidance equating to higher earnings per share through offshore havens and the exploitation of human capital through non-living wages.  The root of the problem must be addressed with the United States leading the change for the good of humanity with international agreements to put teeth into legislation like the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and a revision of the tax code to focus more on capital wealth rather than income after the nexus issue has been resolved.  The global economy has a cash consolidation issue that must be addressed.

The Republican Party appears to be begging for a candidate other than Trump to take the lead in polling with a slew of Mitt Romney clone candidates spouting the Regan agenda in Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Chris Christie, alongside the tea-party flavor Ted Cruz who all pose the same ideological flaw at the root of the party.  To get traction one must not use mathematics; one must avoid or reinvent science. 

The Democratic Party has flaws with the overt political correctness and an impractical approach to the gun crisis in America.  However due to a xenophobic rebuttal and the NRA the Republican Party does little to capitalize on these issues.  The answers are all in institutional and systematic changes to the economic foundation of this country.  Government is not the problem.  Wall Street running the government is.

We need to regulate and break up the banking industry.  Overturn Citizen’s United. Deconstruct government retirement systems into defined contribution.  De-privatize corrections facilities and address institutional racism.  De-criminalize drugs grown via the sun and implement international distribution agreements regulated by the U.S. government to support local farming in foreign supply-side nations and the street price in America to coordinate a demand-side approach to combat addiction through a functional national healthcare system which includes mental health and taxpayer negotiated pharmaceutical pricing. 

We need to create national federally funded web based software to run or guide the governmental functions of almost all taxpayer to government interfaces that recognize what the internet is.  This includes the IRS, utility systems, fines, permitting, sales taxes, educational curriculum options under the discretion of local educators, medical premiums and appointments under a single-payer system which ties cost and ability-to-pay with user-driven demand.  We need the average citizens to have the option of controlling their digital identity and data in context to all government functions from utility bills, education, tax payments, banking, and medical history through a secure modernized web-based approach.

Shift a significant portion of defense spending into a total reinvestment to educate students from preschool to college to function in a globally competitive market place that emphasizes mathematics, science, and information technology while securing our empathy for the global community by a proper use and recognition of how the arts benefit the interconnection of our species.  Sell the usage of web-based portions of that educational infrastructure to the countries we have military conflicts with as leverage to combat the ignorance at the root of global terror and systemic poverty. 

Invite the leaders of the world’s major religions to embrace the science of climate change in a consolidated effort of choice and maintained dignity to each religious doctrine that links the survival of humanity with the interconnection of our species through empathetic individual decision making as a commonality of the ‘golden rule’ amongst faiths.  Use a system of carbon credits, emission reduction, renewable energy, and greener manufacturing and transportation that recognizes the economic threat the world’s reduced appetite for oil has on the political stability and wealth disparity in the Middle East and other hot beds of conflict as access to water continues to become the crucible for planetary survival.  

None of that can be accomplished through the current form of capitalism.  Given the internet every trend to expand the empowerment of the individual through technology to participate in his or her government through democratic socialist mechanisms inside the arenas of education, healthcare, security, energy, voting, and civic participation will be encouraged by the people.  Every policy to hinder that current will inevitably be defeated.  The Republican Party must reinvent itself or it will never win another national election given the population trends based on its core problem with suppressing science and mathematics.  

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