Saturday, January 2, 2016

Guacamole 20160102

There is a clichéd pit, the avocado spooned green flesh accessed
The seed optioned for the refuse bin or environmental conditions
Synthesized for water, sprouting and then soil available
To produce life from life, the mathematics of taking notice

Of opportunity from within a moment and arrangement of resources
Gardened and procured into a stage of consciousness
To comprehend the setting for an empathetic taste to craft presence
In the bubbling river of a tongue to swashbuckler cheeks rounding

Evaluating the dilemma of being a lifeform, a human in this experiment
To suffer the exhilaration of base material for guacamole
Inconveniently and not so subtly aware of the truth
Of the labor and energy chains that brought one Mexican grown plant

Into American jowls wrestling with mileage and Equator and icecap melt rates
Gasoline and solar credits, CAFO lots and deforestation acreages
Smuggled narcotics and lobbyists for what the sun grows and concrete mows
The stock price of global national product delivery systems

Lake Chad and Greenland, oceanic temperature current ribbons wrapping
Coastal water rise and Shanghai, Manhattan, Miami and the Ganges
Billions and the glacial Nepalese melt-off for the that water-order
The thermostat and the cilantro that tastes like soap to some avoiding the dish

Ten for ten dollars at the local market the second of January New Orleans
Talked to my neighbor from Ghana how the land was rainforest
Mining companies and the mom and pops shoveling the surface
Animals and Darfur and Niger with no lake to drink

St. Louis flooded Mississippi, at least they might blow the levees
If Baton Rouge were to tip before the Crescent City
Always counting on someone lower on the poles     

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