Saturday, January 23, 2016

String Theory 20160117

Life as a string balanced in tension between
One’s left and right index fingers and thumbs
Taught and lax
Pulled and released, allowed to be

Watching one’s self, the cinema of stimuli
The emersion and the distancing
Tattered raveled twine of who one is
In the universal and the individual woven

Seeing and being the silken fibers
Light reflecting and absorbing
In perpetual cycles of wanting others
To see and not see the quark stories

Of how we see ourselves
This story of me, heroic, fiendish, and sterile
Sand-like in microscopic Babylons of seashells
Begging those who approach to wield delicate ears

To hear the oceans in our breaths
The brine and cackling winds of joy and terror
To face the spit of seas upon cheeks and bask in us
No taming, but cradling our words in a cup of hands

Like a titanic goddess of grace to take two hands
Into a bowl
Their string nested in the basin
To dive below the waters of our tumult and bombastic festivities

And hold us steady
Peering down at their human life witnessing a shaking forest of fingers
A rattling soup hoping we do not see their love as a prison
As our string stretches around the circumference of their planetary palms

Reassuring of our choice to be held
Perspective of the holder and the held flipping circles
Of who is receiver and giver
Moments blink as ships launch and crash

We are not the hull, the mast, or the string that guides the sail
We are the rhythm of air that sets the tide and the wind
We are the choice to see both the horizon and the seashell
We are our permission to be as we are 

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