Sunday, January 10, 2016


Glad to be alive tonight.  Last night when I was coming home nearing midnight an older lady, grandmother type misjudged red for green and entered an intersection of her life into mine, abrupt, flash consciousness, inches matter sort of deal, the speed of breaths, the what-if’s homogenized brew of head clot of Cinderella won’t actually have to worry about that tick past twelve because another human’s foot chose to accelerate the compression of the wrong pumpkin.  A day of work, yoga, writing and a final pursuit of slumber got elongated into three a.m.  Mice scurrying and glass shattered, ache bones, NOPD blue lights and comprehending how quickly the tongue can find no more liquid in the water grail.  The other driver and I will be all right.  Anger, frustration, have no place in still waters.  May you give your passengers a kiss and as you drive the focus to breathe that full arc of ribs savoring the moment, empathy for the fickle frailness and that first inch of sunrise welcoming a body to dawn.  

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