Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sisyphus’ Living Wage

Manipulation in modern economics is done by
Moving the line
Maintaining a sense of layered desperation in the population
The dirt floor, lower-mid, to lower, to mid, to upper-mid rungs etc.

Relative imaginations related to the idea of loss, success, happiness
In mythical derivations of compliance in a tiered hierarchy
To sustain order in place of tolerable chaos so that we as a species
Do not circumvent the social contract as the efficacies of technology increase

For in these mathematics one must ask the question
If machines, medicines, communication systems, energy and information
Are more effective and productive as hour-units of human labor
Why is desperation among the masses ever more disparate

When the amount of food to feed, energy to move, textiles to clothe, and bricks to house
Is the same given the basic size of a human?
There are more of us, living longer, yes, but
The basic algebra to sustain a single unit has never been at a lower quotient to achieve sustainability

Therefore we must ask why and how are we as a species perpetually
Moving the line?
Minimum wage laws by geographic region
Social welfare, grocery cart tabulations, employment statistics

Manual, information technological coding terabytes into terraforming
The way empathy is disseminated from the aggregated bank accounts
Of owners of publically traded firms hoarding the monetized labor of the masses
The amount constrained represents the pressure on the system to move the line

As the resources of the world are both consumed and created to never let the poor
Touch a level of affluence that may result in complacency that enough is enough
To have food, shelter, clothing, and the love of other humans and not
The next superfluous labeled product off the advertising assembly line

The lie is that we do not have enough to go around
The old Jesus tale of loaves and fishes has been non-literally true for ages
Ever more so with the acquired skills of the collective brain given the internet
But we choose to not share, to pressurize the system, to move the line

Out of justice, of earning, of rationalized understanding of ownership, of reward, of effort
Sinclair’s Jungle with an endless line of desperate hungry willing to replace a worker
To do more and be paid less simply to survive based on where the top of the pyramid
Places the line of awarding pellets of daily sustainability equating to how much do you want this 

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