Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sprout 20160103

A human has to collect the garbage, plant the seeds, and change the linens
In the room at the inn, sweep the cigarette remnants into hoarded throng
Deposit into a vacuum of what it is the collective does not wish to view
When commuting to and from the civilities and connotations of office tower

Employment requiring the fashion statements of the learned-wage
The salaried healthcare insurance safety nets of fear those in multiple levels
Below the terrace rice farming of worry, the be-grateful for what one has
In this moment of status that could be retracted if one higher up the ladder

Decides to substitute the core knowledge of one’s brain contributing
To the well-water with that of another
The simpleton legacy of what progenitors drank, spat, and swallowed  
Degrees of separation and integration into multiplication lessons

That the pay for the lower and middles has to be enough to live on
The lower paying job is most often not easier, the skills or access to
Only rarer or limited in the reach of an arm to the branch for the apple
The fruit sweet and layered in pesticide film-skin if you cannot afford natural

Organic form the Earth the way of the seed and time, water, and soil
To simply let be, let hands do bidding and will for that to be enough
For the labor of a body unadorned by the tassels of decadence to survive
In purpose, to dare the dance of I have enough to feed my being, spouse

The medical access to care for progeny invested so as to participate
In a future of feminism evolving volition of uteruses and population mathematics
The abrogation of fundamentalist dominion in social policies sanctified by governments
The thief of goodness and love from global religions letting the minority rule

From the cradles of fear beckoning the hatred of those alien to the theocracy’s mythologies
Rather than messages of integrated love songs and beings in common creation
To be, to let a human be and sustain on a living wage in an fully integrated global economy of empathy
The deserts of oil sands and rain forests of oxygen to combat the carbon wars

The gifts of medicine and grain, vegetarian based diets proliferating the solutions to equations
Banks and profit margins evolving more egalitarian in the exponent that gets hardened at the apex
The iceberg nature of the tragedies of what the sun’s energy gives and is converted into dollars
Rather than nourishment to masses of when is enough, enough to the gold-holder

The way of environmental sustainability in the cradle of I see you, I witness
We are each other in this timelessness and this is the test, here in the capability to grow
To evolve past what elevates the capital gain in a stock price, rather what increases the vitality
Of the species on a level of peace, love, we are all interconnected as god, to be that god  

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