Saturday, January 23, 2016

Eleven Hours

Attempting to remember the details of a Friday, an exhale, and a Sunday
In, out, and in, the transformation of an acquaintance into knowing a person
The stilled pots on the stove bubbling stock
The aroma in censorship lodged in mementoes

Of what a person might be, the fraying rungs of ashen ladders
Scurried into a dust pile in the corner afraid by the throes of self-definition
And ego rattling nodes of affection sirens bellowing in hallways
To bring out the pan and broom to do what needs doing

The act of an education rooting evolving into knowing
What is kindness, what is beauty, what is the stitching;
That is capable of fashioning love as a possibility given
The nutrition of intimacy and choice and environmental texture

The taste of coffee on her lips from the venue where we met
Embraced and jostling in the liquid vessel to paper
Motioning to the posture of a park bench cushioned in a living room
Painted crimson in the tongue of Jazz Fest and Springsteen and Louis Armstrong

To pick-pocket the bus tokens and unstrung buttons she told me
Of men that made rules and cut ribbons and told when I call you
Wait until I speak before speaking because someone may be listening
The nature of control and being controlled and strapped laces

The call of feminine care and who comes and who drives and who waits
The drug numb and the tax deductible receipt and the phone conversations
In simulacrums of lobbies with IV’s and the turpentine of judgement
Somewhere like a specter rubbed off and the applications spray the non-vigilant

The Brian and Dusty and Mike and James and the ages and the remembrance of roles
And the comfortable nature of we can be this if we chose, but not that
And the convenience of vasectomies and the shadow of a man who shows up
For the Super bowl but misses the regular season contests, botches the extra point

The Hoosier nation and Wildcat pandemonium of I moved there so I would not be alone
I didn’t try with her or for her; that is the difference the pencil ghost statement
In the margin of the coach saying this to the player of by default
A daughter is included in the non-effort, the reluctance or acquiescence to lethargy

The indolence of the shop keep and the want to indulge in the pipe or
The hallucinogenic Barbie doll turned lecturer the other dot on the eye
The why don’t you try to prim this or shade that prompting obstinacy
In a blather confession of lesbianism to spook the hen house

Feathers and bound family Bibles and who gets it across a Mid-South-West
Balderdash mad libs of who is putting words in mouths like garble chalk teeth
Mulling the spittoon of half-lives of full-loves of medical odysseys
Of what goes on in a young woman’s brain

The developed photograph and the rising hurricane waters to blur
Away the pieces the hours and hours of conviction wheeled into pottery
And ceramic destinies, woven in yarn and knit to keep mothers of mothers warm
When it snows in the desert and the owls are hooting nonsense

The did you ever live with anyone
This friend did with one who was not aware
The not listening to the body that chose this above the others
As a place to stay, the bedsheets and half space evacuation strategies

Of the mortgage holders of the realm compared to the graduate school debt holders
Told to get moving, packing and the accordion two-stepping into the trunk space
The yoga mat rolled up for the tripod headstand into flying pigeon
The feathers fluttering into reshaping a self, the image of discussion while posing

The reorganization of a body of meteors a planet does not see coming
The impact of skin gravity of proximity arousal and the curves
Of a body pulled into orbit, the rotational geometry of ellipses
Revolving spinning inward as the mass of the central core survives

Impact after impact explaining pebble rocks like depression
Sequestration and am I a good person
Of bigger pictures painted and hung on a wall evaluated
For form and perspective the grading of what is art

What does it mean to be a human
To have these cogs and clocks sounding off
Set alarms intentionally early, to make time
To intercourse in the morning before the world starts to masticate

Lungs whole like flecks of bacon and charred remnants of mammals
In assembly lines squealing and hawing waiting for the blade to the throat
To end the lightning bolts of awareness inside a skull
That this is it; this is all the time we have; that door is the now’s guillotine

So better love and love hard and powerful and as true as truth can muster
In this aroma of coffee and bus tokens rolling around through fingers
Seeing a sea of seats occupied and vacated and debating the commitment
To attempt saying I will try here; I will attempt to inhabit this space

The being viewed as the vessel passes and the voyeurism is ubiquitous
The windows are like microscopes and the how are you doing;
Are you adult enough here to own real property, a life, do you own a life yet my dear
The pounding like Verdi on the anvils asking and making art out of the dissonance
The thrumming dulled into a pillow and time, the sleep and bare knuckle fight

Of being of passive resistance, the non-violent weapon of love
To love oneself and to be kind and patient and able
To feed a child who is allergic to the buffet and help him walk through a market
To pedal a tricycle and talk about what sugar is in the brown water

That outside world from the New York towers
Where people have to sweep up the dust 

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