Saturday, January 23, 2016

Where the World Is

Empathy is the pressure relief valve
The breach of air in the pipe humanity is mashed
Clogged and gasping trillions
Saprotrophs evolved to feed on desperation 

Sequestered air pocket billionaires
Profiteering off of location-independent commerce
Iceberg submerged global heater accounts
Commandeering employment waiting rooms of lowest-denominator tax calculus

Line out the door willing to labor more for a dollar less
Simply to eat GMO soybeans and a spot in the show
Both armrests taken at the theater
Loud noises distract the mathematics of rushing the gunmen 

Terrorists rise within the audience
Pawing god from the popped kernels
Beneath the seats planting blame
In the ticket-buyers who do not provide soil to germinate

Copyright papyrus about salvation and damnation
Oil and cancer, skin-tone and harmonic dissonance
Disembodiment rights to take in discomfort
Expectation of a firearm in the maw of a hoodie

Vomited out after the police overseer writes a report
Rembrandt’s Nights Watch ivory brandished rifles
About who made the first quick-movement
Rationalized lords of flies ignoring the encompassing box, the tube

The train cars and Plessy and Parks and London Calling seven-seven
The rats and cheese and IMF and OPEC and NYSE and BP
The stench of stuffed Gouda in Cayman Switzer-lands
Holes for FACTA world agreements global progressive wealth taxation

To recognize capitalism has leukemia in the marrow
The skeleton has lifted under the whip of extracted profit
To create the most efficient state of delivering food, shelter, clothing, and medicine
In the state of our species, but done so with threating Bronchogenic carcinomas

Tumors in bronchioles sprouting in the microscopic notion of how much is enough
To take a moment to breathe, to allow muscle over the femurs to rest
The blood to still the haze of a mushed plow and recognize the shared crop
But the radiation monetizes the mono-product cycles crate after roll

Squared and cylindrical prison of labor demonizing collectivism for a fish hook
Barbed with the worm that came before you in a chain of film-buffs
Uncertain of which end is the mouth or the anus gumming the sugar and fat
Trained tongues to salivate at the screen flicker marketed

Taught to question the sunlight’s glare as taunting the edge of the herd
To be the wildebeest at the perimeter of the circle
Tossed from nudging to the idealism of center
Like a mammalian mother’s nipple

Parched of milk and wandering on the outskirts  
Willing to risk staring the wizardry of the lion in the incisor
The pierce that motivates the globe to dance hoof and pelt  
The legislative cockiness audacity of Prima Noctae

Where the lioness hunts and the mane-bearer feeds
Pale-faced painted in the blood of black buffalo and red antelope
Masticating bone in a short intestinal track shitting out hair and skull
Fertilizing negligible scat panicking forests into blazing stampedes

To fell trunks for fields of bodies piled on bodies
Stewed grass-eaters for ad-campaigns of meat-eater pride
Of you-can-be-a member rallies for elephants
Trumpeted with ivory-tusk megaphones and mahogany stages

Unstamped by the FSC exchanged for the SEC to label legal
To take this land is your land away from Guthrie back to Trump
Beach Havens segregation depletion of affordable housing
For air b and b’s uncontrolled rents have the worms live in the dirt

Heart life cycle four generations, great-grandmother holding great-grandson
In a wheel chair both eyes unable to open, but awake
One arm of eldest meets her daughter wide-eyed smiling
With granddaughter post maternity clean and standing

Tree photosynthesis and seeds, fear and love
Diet pressures of what is pertinent to make a child into an adult
Mined Tantalite for an iPhone global connection
To hold water flowing off Congo into China into Chicago

A President for the Southside white socked to feed the cubs that grow up into bears
Omnivorous besotted in caves hibernating in a dragon’s bounty            

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