Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A facebook post 20160126

I think value is in the essence of shameless honest investment in being present in the moment of exchange.  Whether it be a burlesque stage or the front of a classroom the onus is in being present so that those included in that interconnected moment of now witness the divinity of what you have to offer in your unique form.  Beauty and value comes not from surface of aesthetic appearance, but the volition of spirit breathing life into you as the conduit illuminated through that aesthetic prism. 

Students will flower the seed you spoke.  Lovers will ride the wave of the felicity and animalistic drive you purvey for them to connect.  These are the gifts of the common universe and waves the motion of your being in the common waters creates.  Never doubt yourself for you are a light and other people see that, even in the days you do not see it in yourself. 

The challenge of self-growth meets us all in that moment of decision in what do we bring to that moment of exchange.  Do we prepare as fully; do we expose as naked in our being; do we shed the snake-skins over our heart to state our true feelings; do we trust to ask for help when we need it? 

Growth in my experience is best done with a healthy self-love, acknowledging life is comprised of seasons where the forest burns and grows more fertile by embracing the nutrients in the mathematic that so often our pain is an opportunity to let love in rather than push it away, and it is most often our misconception that the schedule of the season’s transition be based on our ego that deters our happiness. 

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