Sunday, January 10, 2016


I found atheism in the angels
Deciphering the coded Christian Biblical tautology
To fund redundant representation in the form of feather-winged
Human-like scions voided of gonads and pudenda

The rudimentary ego to see god from the sky
Knowing not planetary rotation, spherical environmental reality,
But to associate a deity with the flawed notion of up
Marley sang, “Most people think great God will come from the sky.”

Take away everything the authors knew
To claim angels flew down from heaven
As if there was a cumulonimbus seating area
The simplicity in such an easily debunked fantasy

Prevented any metaphorical slipped knot from asphyxiation
The loop hole truncated sincerity into laughter
Seeded in the absolutism of avian hands
Praying bidding announcing non-sexual spontaneous reproduction

The obsession of it all staring above
Ignoring the principles of relativity
To see what is everywhere, all at once
Relinquishing the prerequisite paradigm of human-based

Form, language, or interface
The frail jealousies of fairness, justice, retribution
Conceptual infinities in sets diagramming mathematics
Of sets and larger sets impossibilities to fathom

In the questions, “What is reality?  What is time?  What is now?”
The crutch of judgment and definitive sentencing
The awesomeness of a single moment, love on a quantum scale
Transcending into that space in between the quarks

The notion of forces, the means of connection
Why one is drawn, attracted, compelled, repelled
The alleviation of I am only this self
Angels become as gray-ghost comic-sketch imagined-substitutes 

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