Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Where the 2016 Presidential election is going…and why Bernie Sanders will be the next president of the United States.

Capitalism has reached a global tipping point in a concentration of elitist prosperity that has alienated the traditional lower and lower middle white social issue voters that sustain the voting block to push a supply side economic agenda.  Ronald Reagan catapulted this economic battle plan into prominence during the ‘glory days’ of the 1980’s.  The economics are now systematically dysfunctional enough to threaten rampant governmental bankruptcies.  The aging of the Boomer population has left the Republican Party to political strategies such as: disenfranchisement through voter-fraud paranoia and gerrymandering, petulant legislative obstructionism, xenophobic nationalism, theistic fundamentalism, and most importantly degradation of science and at its root mathematics. 

Political discourse based in mathematics is the greatest threat to the elitist Republican agenda inside the donor pool that funds candidates ballyhooed by Citizens United.  The Trump conundrum inside the party is that the traditional strategies of the Republican Party are backfiring by empowering a rouge candidate who may not be under the Darth Vader-like obedience to the donor Emperors.  The donors for the preponderance represent Wall Street, the humans who run Wall Street and the capitalist agenda of aggregating the wealth of humanity into an elitist finite ownership group to direct the continued consolidation of that wealth. 

As the average lower to lower middle class Republican voter sees her or his economic position deteriorate the clout social issues that previously encouraged that individual to vote against her or his economic self-interest is waning.  One can see the budgeting nightmares of state after state and nation after nation which has tied their prosperity to unfettered capitalism prioritized on stock markets rather than the health, education, housing, and security of citizens.  Wall Street has created a moving goal line to keep desperation and ignorance among the citizens at a constant creep despite an avalanche of profits since Reaganomics was implemented.  This has been carried forward by Clinton and Obama’s Democratic presidencies because Wall Street controls both parties. 

The rise of Bernie Sanders and the popularity of Elizabeth Warren, who will either continue to lead in the Senate or be the vice presidential nomination as the first open democratic socialists in decades, is directly related to the antithesis of this global tipping point on capitalism.  Hillary Clinton represents a candidate closer to the Obama economic doctrine in not directly going after Wall Street.  Sanders and Warren will.  Clinton takes their donations just like her husband. 

Clinton is spouting the impracticality of a full assault or revolution against this form of crony capitalism. We face an environmental crisis which requires an economic evolution based on empathy and an overhaul of Wall Street through a consortium of nations to insert a global progressive wealth tax and the elimination of tax shelter locations like Ireland.  Wall Street will exploit the definition of what is legal in terms of filing locations and labor sources on a global basis until market assurances are in place to assert a consistent set of rules to prevent legal tax avoidance equating to higher earnings per share through offshore havens and the exploitation of human capital through non-living wages.  The root of the problem must be addressed with the United States leading the change for the good of humanity with international agreements to put teeth into legislation like the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and a revision of the tax code to focus more on capital wealth rather than income after the nexus issue has been resolved.  The global economy has a cash consolidation issue that must be addressed.

The Republican Party appears to be begging for a candidate other than Trump to take the lead in polling with a slew of Mitt Romney clone candidates spouting the Regan agenda in Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Chris Christie, alongside the tea-party flavor Ted Cruz who all pose the same ideological flaw at the root of the party.  To get traction one must not use mathematics; one must avoid or reinvent science. 

The Democratic Party has flaws with the overt political correctness and an impractical approach to the gun crisis in America.  However due to a xenophobic rebuttal and the NRA the Republican Party does little to capitalize on these issues.  The answers are all in institutional and systematic changes to the economic foundation of this country.  Government is not the problem.  Wall Street running the government is.

We need to regulate and break up the banking industry.  Overturn Citizen’s United. Deconstruct government retirement systems into defined contribution.  De-privatize corrections facilities and address institutional racism.  De-criminalize drugs grown via the sun and implement international distribution agreements regulated by the U.S. government to support local farming in foreign supply-side nations and the street price in America to coordinate a demand-side approach to combat addiction through a functional national healthcare system which includes mental health and taxpayer negotiated pharmaceutical pricing. 

We need to create national federally funded web based software to run or guide the governmental functions of almost all taxpayer to government interfaces that recognize what the internet is.  This includes the IRS, utility systems, fines, permitting, sales taxes, educational curriculum options under the discretion of local educators, medical premiums and appointments under a single-payer system which ties cost and ability-to-pay with user-driven demand.  We need the average citizens to have the option of controlling their digital identity and data in context to all government functions from utility bills, education, tax payments, banking, and medical history through a secure modernized web-based approach.

Shift a significant portion of defense spending into a total reinvestment to educate students from preschool to college to function in a globally competitive market place that emphasizes mathematics, science, and information technology while securing our empathy for the global community by a proper use and recognition of how the arts benefit the interconnection of our species.  Sell the usage of web-based portions of that educational infrastructure to the countries we have military conflicts with as leverage to combat the ignorance at the root of global terror and systemic poverty. 

Invite the leaders of the world’s major religions to embrace the science of climate change in a consolidated effort of choice and maintained dignity to each religious doctrine that links the survival of humanity with the interconnection of our species through empathetic individual decision making as a commonality of the ‘golden rule’ amongst faiths.  Use a system of carbon credits, emission reduction, renewable energy, and greener manufacturing and transportation that recognizes the economic threat the world’s reduced appetite for oil has on the political stability and wealth disparity in the Middle East and other hot beds of conflict as access to water continues to become the crucible for planetary survival.  

None of that can be accomplished through the current form of capitalism.  Given the internet every trend to expand the empowerment of the individual through technology to participate in his or her government through democratic socialist mechanisms inside the arenas of education, healthcare, security, energy, voting, and civic participation will be encouraged by the people.  Every policy to hinder that current will inevitably be defeated.  The Republican Party must reinvent itself or it will never win another national election given the population trends based on its core problem with suppressing science and mathematics.  

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Where the World Is

Empathy is the pressure relief valve
The breach of air in the pipe humanity is mashed
Clogged and gasping trillions
Saprotrophs evolved to feed on desperation 

Sequestered air pocket billionaires
Profiteering off of location-independent commerce
Iceberg submerged global heater accounts
Commandeering employment waiting rooms of lowest-denominator tax calculus

Line out the door willing to labor more for a dollar less
Simply to eat GMO soybeans and a spot in the show
Both armrests taken at the theater
Loud noises distract the mathematics of rushing the gunmen 

Terrorists rise within the audience
Pawing god from the popped kernels
Beneath the seats planting blame
In the ticket-buyers who do not provide soil to germinate

Copyright papyrus about salvation and damnation
Oil and cancer, skin-tone and harmonic dissonance
Disembodiment rights to take in discomfort
Expectation of a firearm in the maw of a hoodie

Vomited out after the police overseer writes a report
Rembrandt’s Nights Watch ivory brandished rifles
About who made the first quick-movement
Rationalized lords of flies ignoring the encompassing box, the tube

The train cars and Plessy and Parks and London Calling seven-seven
The rats and cheese and IMF and OPEC and NYSE and BP
The stench of stuffed Gouda in Cayman Switzer-lands
Holes for FACTA world agreements global progressive wealth taxation

To recognize capitalism has leukemia in the marrow
The skeleton has lifted under the whip of extracted profit
To create the most efficient state of delivering food, shelter, clothing, and medicine
In the state of our species, but done so with threating Bronchogenic carcinomas

Tumors in bronchioles sprouting in the microscopic notion of how much is enough
To take a moment to breathe, to allow muscle over the femurs to rest
The blood to still the haze of a mushed plow and recognize the shared crop
But the radiation monetizes the mono-product cycles crate after roll

Squared and cylindrical prison of labor demonizing collectivism for a fish hook
Barbed with the worm that came before you in a chain of film-buffs
Uncertain of which end is the mouth or the anus gumming the sugar and fat
Trained tongues to salivate at the screen flicker marketed

Taught to question the sunlight’s glare as taunting the edge of the herd
To be the wildebeest at the perimeter of the circle
Tossed from nudging to the idealism of center
Like a mammalian mother’s nipple

Parched of milk and wandering on the outskirts  
Willing to risk staring the wizardry of the lion in the incisor
The pierce that motivates the globe to dance hoof and pelt  
The legislative cockiness audacity of Prima Noctae

Where the lioness hunts and the mane-bearer feeds
Pale-faced painted in the blood of black buffalo and red antelope
Masticating bone in a short intestinal track shitting out hair and skull
Fertilizing negligible scat panicking forests into blazing stampedes

To fell trunks for fields of bodies piled on bodies
Stewed grass-eaters for ad-campaigns of meat-eater pride
Of you-can-be-a member rallies for elephants
Trumpeted with ivory-tusk megaphones and mahogany stages

Unstamped by the FSC exchanged for the SEC to label legal
To take this land is your land away from Guthrie back to Trump
Beach Havens segregation depletion of affordable housing
For air b and b’s uncontrolled rents have the worms live in the dirt

Heart life cycle four generations, great-grandmother holding great-grandson
In a wheel chair both eyes unable to open, but awake
One arm of eldest meets her daughter wide-eyed smiling
With granddaughter post maternity clean and standing

Tree photosynthesis and seeds, fear and love
Diet pressures of what is pertinent to make a child into an adult
Mined Tantalite for an iPhone global connection
To hold water flowing off Congo into China into Chicago

A President for the Southside white socked to feed the cubs that grow up into bears
Omnivorous besotted in caves hibernating in a dragon’s bounty            

Eleven Hours

Attempting to remember the details of a Friday, an exhale, and a Sunday
In, out, and in, the transformation of an acquaintance into knowing a person
The stilled pots on the stove bubbling stock
The aroma in censorship lodged in mementoes

Of what a person might be, the fraying rungs of ashen ladders
Scurried into a dust pile in the corner afraid by the throes of self-definition
And ego rattling nodes of affection sirens bellowing in hallways
To bring out the pan and broom to do what needs doing

The act of an education rooting evolving into knowing
What is kindness, what is beauty, what is the stitching;
That is capable of fashioning love as a possibility given
The nutrition of intimacy and choice and environmental texture

The taste of coffee on her lips from the venue where we met
Embraced and jostling in the liquid vessel to paper
Motioning to the posture of a park bench cushioned in a living room
Painted crimson in the tongue of Jazz Fest and Springsteen and Louis Armstrong

To pick-pocket the bus tokens and unstrung buttons she told me
Of men that made rules and cut ribbons and told when I call you
Wait until I speak before speaking because someone may be listening
The nature of control and being controlled and strapped laces

The call of feminine care and who comes and who drives and who waits
The drug numb and the tax deductible receipt and the phone conversations
In simulacrums of lobbies with IV’s and the turpentine of judgement
Somewhere like a specter rubbed off and the applications spray the non-vigilant

The Brian and Dusty and Mike and James and the ages and the remembrance of roles
And the comfortable nature of we can be this if we chose, but not that
And the convenience of vasectomies and the shadow of a man who shows up
For the Super bowl but misses the regular season contests, botches the extra point

The Hoosier nation and Wildcat pandemonium of I moved there so I would not be alone
I didn’t try with her or for her; that is the difference the pencil ghost statement
In the margin of the coach saying this to the player of by default
A daughter is included in the non-effort, the reluctance or acquiescence to lethargy

The indolence of the shop keep and the want to indulge in the pipe or
The hallucinogenic Barbie doll turned lecturer the other dot on the eye
The why don’t you try to prim this or shade that prompting obstinacy
In a blather confession of lesbianism to spook the hen house

Feathers and bound family Bibles and who gets it across a Mid-South-West
Balderdash mad libs of who is putting words in mouths like garble chalk teeth
Mulling the spittoon of half-lives of full-loves of medical odysseys
Of what goes on in a young woman’s brain

The developed photograph and the rising hurricane waters to blur
Away the pieces the hours and hours of conviction wheeled into pottery
And ceramic destinies, woven in yarn and knit to keep mothers of mothers warm
When it snows in the desert and the owls are hooting nonsense

The did you ever live with anyone
This friend did with one who was not aware
The not listening to the body that chose this above the others
As a place to stay, the bedsheets and half space evacuation strategies

Of the mortgage holders of the realm compared to the graduate school debt holders
Told to get moving, packing and the accordion two-stepping into the trunk space
The yoga mat rolled up for the tripod headstand into flying pigeon
The feathers fluttering into reshaping a self, the image of discussion while posing

The reorganization of a body of meteors a planet does not see coming
The impact of skin gravity of proximity arousal and the curves
Of a body pulled into orbit, the rotational geometry of ellipses
Revolving spinning inward as the mass of the central core survives

Impact after impact explaining pebble rocks like depression
Sequestration and am I a good person
Of bigger pictures painted and hung on a wall evaluated
For form and perspective the grading of what is art

What does it mean to be a human
To have these cogs and clocks sounding off
Set alarms intentionally early, to make time
To intercourse in the morning before the world starts to masticate

Lungs whole like flecks of bacon and charred remnants of mammals
In assembly lines squealing and hawing waiting for the blade to the throat
To end the lightning bolts of awareness inside a skull
That this is it; this is all the time we have; that door is the now’s guillotine

So better love and love hard and powerful and as true as truth can muster
In this aroma of coffee and bus tokens rolling around through fingers
Seeing a sea of seats occupied and vacated and debating the commitment
To attempt saying I will try here; I will attempt to inhabit this space

The being viewed as the vessel passes and the voyeurism is ubiquitous
The windows are like microscopes and the how are you doing;
Are you adult enough here to own real property, a life, do you own a life yet my dear
The pounding like Verdi on the anvils asking and making art out of the dissonance
The thrumming dulled into a pillow and time, the sleep and bare knuckle fight

Of being of passive resistance, the non-violent weapon of love
To love oneself and to be kind and patient and able
To feed a child who is allergic to the buffet and help him walk through a market
To pedal a tricycle and talk about what sugar is in the brown water

That outside world from the New York towers
Where people have to sweep up the dust 

Dr. King 20160118

The non-violent resistance movements led by Dr. King were revolutionary.  He was a revolutionary.  We should not forget or reduce him to a vessel of convenience.  Maybe his brand of Christianity threaded with the political weapons of Gandhi allowed the white-powers in America to make a federal holiday for him more palatable then a more straight forward speaker on black-genocide in less commercial-friendly men like Malcom X or James Baldwin, but he was no less a man focused on direct action, change, and combat.  To the revolutionaries, the protestors, the strikers, the freedom fighters…

These are some quotes from the man; in honor of that revolutionary spirit

“The enlightened white southerner, who for years has preached gradualism, now sees that even the slow approach finally has revolutionary implications.  Placing straws on a camel’s back, no matter how slowly, is dangerous.  This realization has immobilized the liberals and most of the white church leads.  They have no answer for dealing with or absorbing violence.  They end in begging for retreat, lest “things get out of hand and lead to violence.”

“We do not wish to triumph over the white community.  That would only result in transferring those now on the bottom to the top.  But, if we can live up to nonviolence in though and deed, there will emerge an interracial society based on freedom for all.”

“The common point in all existentialism, whether it is atheistic or theistic, is that man’s existential situation is a state of estrangement from his essential nature.  In their revolt against Hegel’s existentialism, all existentialists contend that the world is fragmented.  History is a series of unreconciled conflicts and man’s existence is filled with anxiety and threatened with meaninglessness.”

“The first time I was seated behind a curtain in a dining car I felt as if the curtain had been dropped on my selfhood.”

“In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: (1) collection of the facts to determine whether injustices are alive, (2) negotiation, (3) self-purification, and (4) direct action.  We have gone through all of these steps in Birmingham.  There can be no gainsaying of the fact that racial injustice engulfs this community.”

“We can never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was illegal.”

“I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that he Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says, “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically feels that he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advised the Negro to wait until a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.  Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”

“The rich must not ignore the poor because both rich and poor are tied in a single garment of destiny.  All life is interrelated, and all men are interdependent.  The agony of the poor diminishes the rich, and the salvation of the poor enlarges the rich.  We are inevitably our brothers’ keeper because of the interrelated structure of reality.” 

String Theory 20160117

Life as a string balanced in tension between
One’s left and right index fingers and thumbs
Taught and lax
Pulled and released, allowed to be

Watching one’s self, the cinema of stimuli
The emersion and the distancing
Tattered raveled twine of who one is
In the universal and the individual woven

Seeing and being the silken fibers
Light reflecting and absorbing
In perpetual cycles of wanting others
To see and not see the quark stories

Of how we see ourselves
This story of me, heroic, fiendish, and sterile
Sand-like in microscopic Babylons of seashells
Begging those who approach to wield delicate ears

To hear the oceans in our breaths
The brine and cackling winds of joy and terror
To face the spit of seas upon cheeks and bask in us
No taming, but cradling our words in a cup of hands

Like a titanic goddess of grace to take two hands
Into a bowl
Their string nested in the basin
To dive below the waters of our tumult and bombastic festivities

And hold us steady
Peering down at their human life witnessing a shaking forest of fingers
A rattling soup hoping we do not see their love as a prison
As our string stretches around the circumference of their planetary palms

Reassuring of our choice to be held
Perspective of the holder and the held flipping circles
Of who is receiver and giver
Moments blink as ships launch and crash

We are not the hull, the mast, or the string that guides the sail
We are the rhythm of air that sets the tide and the wind
We are the choice to see both the horizon and the seashell
We are our permission to be as we are 

Circle of Fifths - 20160115

Into a circle of fifths the sound of it like a lock of turnstile cogs
Clicking and clockwise release in a moment of touch razing the land of the horizon
Into an emulsion of body parts, skin and flesh swelling in erogenous eggshell
Talk of paths and career duties, responsibilities to destinies rush like blood hounds

Leek and roasted garlic soup at a table a bottle of California red
Tongued tales of older men in their fifties lusting her thirty-something body into submission
Of giving herself for a receipt of turncoat confessions
To take photographs of gray-haired testimony, distances that daughters keep from daddy

Flooded in hurricanes lost in the black-speckled mold of crimpling paper dark-room
Developed and drained so that the mark of the water line keeps her hair
Grown short and pinned up to keep the ends form dragging in the muck-tuck
The hibernating nature of turtles in January pre-frozen but chilling

Allowing food to rest on the surface, neck in
Rather not move the body until the sun tilts the zenith in angular allowance, safe
That a body can feel the exhilaration of being embraced but not taken
Not stolen or sacrificed to an adage of mathematics of owed credits

For seasons of artistic crafts pottery molded and oil paints on the canvas avoided
For when does this ever dry, the pliable nature of an ebullient smile and sweat-milk cleavage
Being interpreted by men and by family and by bodies passing bodies
Alert to the juxtaposition of what it means to be wed or with child or in time

To have accomplished love or presence or togetherness
Of any of the grand cataclysmic pursuits of human affirmation
That this is who I am and I am doing, I am here and behold
As I reverberate through this universe to sound the harp of the goddesses nakedly bombastic

In the harmonic shake of a bitten lower lip, the tilt of pelvis
For a clitoris to rub beneath clothing as a man brushes the short-pinned locks back longer
Above an ear and turns her feet from below his thigh on a sofa upward to curve into her
Grasping the moment of Odysseus past the sirens and sailing

Into the huffed sounds of a delicate moan the arousal instantaneously orgasmic
In her loins to climb the arc turn to spread her hips and mount over his
Rubbing in release that every part of him feels good against her folds
Words have evacuated in a space of ember glow lamp light serene phasing

In undulating backdrop of her body over his, throbbing for his geometry
To recognize the levees breaking beneath her panties, the flotsam of her sweater
Into bra jettisoned for a grip of his hands upon her teardrop breasts rising and asking
So he takes her upstairs into his bed like a cloud of white, he is naked to match in seconds
Pacing the application of condom, one of five for the evening
And a sixth after breaking dawn she is pulsating the effort of a witness
The slate of being in a moment that taken view of a day drained
Labyrinths run for Minotaur migraines daring her to chop off her skull

To give into the fireball of capillaries insurgents to be here in his bed
Asking for nothing but her to give into the pleasure of his hands
Gripping her limbs tracing her arms and massaging her thighs
Not into submission to him but to the vine of stimulation like Jasmine

Rounding her garden flushing her labia engorged reckoning with the waterfall
The fluids rising in the room, her folds so wet she apologizes to his sheets
Knowing this is a grown man who does his own laundry, paid for this building
This staircase himself, no help and this is for her to be here

He is allowing himself to be vulnerable to hear the spearhead of emotional connection
Rest upon his penis underneath the sheath of that condom breaking not spermatozoa
Like some cannon of Valhalla, but feeling her from the inside, listening to the directions
Her body is scripting in the echoes of his mind seeing her signals in the motions of her mouth

Her cheeks and forehead, eyes closing in the intensity of orgasm after orgasm
And those snowflakes of fear behind her lids of what if he is like them
Praying to attempt to notice his uniqueness in the angles, the mathematics of how his penis fits inside her
Of the way he grips buttocks and presses a pillow behind his back as she folds over him

And he finds that measure deeper cradling her with the sheet folded over her back to keep her warm from
The rush of chilled air from invading this space as their bodies nest 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sisyphus’ Living Wage

Manipulation in modern economics is done by
Moving the line
Maintaining a sense of layered desperation in the population
The dirt floor, lower-mid, to lower, to mid, to upper-mid rungs etc.

Relative imaginations related to the idea of loss, success, happiness
In mythical derivations of compliance in a tiered hierarchy
To sustain order in place of tolerable chaos so that we as a species
Do not circumvent the social contract as the efficacies of technology increase

For in these mathematics one must ask the question
If machines, medicines, communication systems, energy and information
Are more effective and productive as hour-units of human labor
Why is desperation among the masses ever more disparate

When the amount of food to feed, energy to move, textiles to clothe, and bricks to house
Is the same given the basic size of a human?
There are more of us, living longer, yes, but
The basic algebra to sustain a single unit has never been at a lower quotient to achieve sustainability

Therefore we must ask why and how are we as a species perpetually
Moving the line?
Minimum wage laws by geographic region
Social welfare, grocery cart tabulations, employment statistics

Manual, information technological coding terabytes into terraforming
The way empathy is disseminated from the aggregated bank accounts
Of owners of publically traded firms hoarding the monetized labor of the masses
The amount constrained represents the pressure on the system to move the line

As the resources of the world are both consumed and created to never let the poor
Touch a level of affluence that may result in complacency that enough is enough
To have food, shelter, clothing, and the love of other humans and not
The next superfluous labeled product off the advertising assembly line

The lie is that we do not have enough to go around
The old Jesus tale of loaves and fishes has been non-literally true for ages
Ever more so with the acquired skills of the collective brain given the internet
But we choose to not share, to pressurize the system, to move the line

Out of justice, of earning, of rationalized understanding of ownership, of reward, of effort
Sinclair’s Jungle with an endless line of desperate hungry willing to replace a worker
To do more and be paid less simply to survive based on where the top of the pyramid
Places the line of awarding pellets of daily sustainability equating to how much do you want this 


I found atheism in the angels
Deciphering the coded Christian Biblical tautology
To fund redundant representation in the form of feather-winged
Human-like scions voided of gonads and pudenda

The rudimentary ego to see god from the sky
Knowing not planetary rotation, spherical environmental reality,
But to associate a deity with the flawed notion of up
Marley sang, “Most people think great God will come from the sky.”

Take away everything the authors knew
To claim angels flew down from heaven
As if there was a cumulonimbus seating area
The simplicity in such an easily debunked fantasy

Prevented any metaphorical slipped knot from asphyxiation
The loop hole truncated sincerity into laughter
Seeded in the absolutism of avian hands
Praying bidding announcing non-sexual spontaneous reproduction

The obsession of it all staring above
Ignoring the principles of relativity
To see what is everywhere, all at once
Relinquishing the prerequisite paradigm of human-based

Form, language, or interface
The frail jealousies of fairness, justice, retribution
Conceptual infinities in sets diagramming mathematics
Of sets and larger sets impossibilities to fathom

In the questions, “What is reality?  What is time?  What is now?”
The crutch of judgment and definitive sentencing
The awesomeness of a single moment, love on a quantum scale
Transcending into that space in between the quarks

The notion of forces, the means of connection
Why one is drawn, attracted, compelled, repelled
The alleviation of I am only this self
Angels become as gray-ghost comic-sketch imagined-substitutes